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Vocabulary Adaptation for Domain Adaptation in Neural Machine Translation


Download tools

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r fairseq/requirements.txt

cd tools
git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git 
git clone https://github.com/tmikolov/word2vec.git
git clone https://github.com/jyori112/llm.git
git clone https://github.com/rpryzant/proxy-a-distance.git
cd ..



# You first need to manually download datasets from the following URLs and place them to the directories specified in const.sh.
# JESC (En-Ja): https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/jesc/data/split.tar.gz
# ASPEC (En-Ja): https://jipsti.jst.go.jp/aspec
# OPUS (De-En): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S48LlMa9RYR9JHQO_KbHdJF8lwVOpLVH/view?usp=sharing

 # Tokenization, truecasing, and placing data to the directory defined by const.sh.
 ./scripts/dataset/jesc/setup_dataset.sh  # En-Ja
 ./scripts/dataset/aspec/setup_dataset.sh # En-Ja
 ./scripts/dataset/koehn17six/setup_dataset.sh # De-En


./train.sh $model_name translation

# The model names corresponding to each setting in the original paper (Table 3) are as follows.

# <w/ 100k in-domain parallel data, w/o monolingual data>
# - Out-domain: jesc_sp16000.outD.all (preparing this model is required to train FT-srcV, and VA-*)
# - Out-domain (w/ ASPEC 100k vocab): jesc_sp16000.outD.v_aspec_sp16000_100k.all (preparing this model is required to train FT-tgtV)
# - In-domain : aspec_sp16000.inD.100k

# - MDL: jesc_sp16000@aspec_sp16000.mdl.domainmixing.100k
# - FT-srcV: jesc_sp16000@aspec_sp16000.ft.v_jesc_sp16000_all.100k
# - FT-tgtV: jesc_sp16000@aspec_sp16000.ft.v_aspec_sp16000_100k.100k
# - VA-CBoW: jesc_sp16000@aspec_sp16000.va.v_aspec_sp16000_100k.nomap.100k
# - VA-Linear: jesc_sp16000@aspec_sp16000.va.v_aspec_sp16000_100k.linear-idt.100k
# - VA-LLM: jesc_sp16000@aspec_sp16000.va.v_aspec_sp16000_100k.llm-idt.nn10.100k


# When evaluating all models...
mkdir exp_logs
./generate_many.sh $src_domain $tgt_domain $task
./summarize.sh $src_domain $tgt_domain $task > exp_logs/jesc2aspec.summary

# When evaluating a model (outputs will be generated to `${model_root}/${model_name}/tests/${domain_name}.outputs`)
./generate.sh $model_name $task


If you use this code for research, please cite the following paper.

    title = "Vocabulary Adaptation for Domain Adaptation in Neural Machine Translation",
    author = "Sato, Shoetsu  and
      Sakuma, Jin  and
      Yoshinaga, Naoki  and
      Toyoda, Masashi  and
      Kitsuregawa, Masaru",
    booktitle = "Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020",
    month = nov,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.findings-emnlp.381",
    pages = "4269--4279",