jack-turk-5 / onward

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ONWaRD is short for Online Network for Writing and Retrieving Data. This is a REST API service built with the Spring Boot framework that allows a platform where companies can electronically manage all their data, enabling them to go paperless.
This application demonstrates how to utilize Microsoft .NET Maui Framework, Spring Boot application, and Project Lombok to work together to create an innovative product.

Technologies Used

The following technologies were used to build this application:

Extension on Visual Studio Code

The following Extension were used in Visual Studio Code:



  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using this command:
    git clone https://github.com/jack-turk-5/onward
  2. Import the project into your IDE (such as Eclipse or Visual Studio code).
  3. start the application from OnwardApplication.java
  4. Run the application as a Spring Boot application (usually located in your IDE), or use the Maven plugin mvn spring-boot:run.
  5. Go to localhost:8080/ on your web browser.

*Try adding endpoints with simple text and stuff, follow the template for greeting and add endpoint methods to DemoController, just make sure you do it in the form @GetMapping("/YOURTEXTHERE") The first slash is important




Development Environment

Integration and Data Management

Knowledge Gained

We learned to combine Spring Boot, Microsoft .NET framework, and Project Lombok to create a product.


To make effective contributions to this software, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  3. Create a new branch for your changes.
  4. Make your changes and commit with descriptive commit messages in the following format:
  5. Push your changes to your GitHub account.
  6. Create a pull request from your branch to the original repository's main branch. When making contributions, please keep the following in mind:
    • Follow the code style and formatting guidelines used in the project.
    • Follow the format for commit messages and be concise.
    • Make sure that your changes do not break existing functionality. *Write tests for any new code and ensure that all existing tests pass.


Users outside have the right to use, copy, modify, and distribute the code included in this project (3/26/2024).


This README structure was based on that within Nidhal Naffati's Rental-Car-Agency repository, which happened to use a very similar technology set as our project. The repository for this can be found here: Car Rental Agency.