jack0son / woke-dapp

Woke Network 🐦→🌐³ Monorepo containing dApp client, smart-contracts, and back-end services.
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Woke Network 🐦<--->🌐³

Bridging Twitter to Web3

Woke Network brings curation mechanics to the world's (broken) forum - a bridge to decentralised communities on web3.

Crypto-incentivised social networks are the way of the future. Steemit and Cent provide curation mechanisms using the programmable finance native to blockchains, but if a tree falls in the forest and no one tweets about it...

The human conversation is happening on social networks with a critical mass of users: Zucc Et al. have achieved network effects. Tweets are free, extreme beats true, and the loudest dominate. There is no incentive structure encouraging productive conversation.

v0.1.0 Alpha Get Woke or Go Broke

  1. 💸 Issuance Securitisation of followers into an ERC-20 using an influence bonding curve
  2. 🏭 Minting Creation of a social currency that is readily spent and equitably distributed.
  3. 👛 Onboarding “Walletless” onboarding for non-crypto users into the web3 ecosystem.
  4. 🍄 Powerups Send tokens to any user on twitter using a tweet (walletless transfers).

Repo Contents

Monerepo for the Woke Network dApp client, smart-contracts, and back-end services.


Joining the Woke Network consumes your follower count to "power" the Woke Token ($WOKEN) minting process. New Wokens are distributed according to users' relative influence to counteract the pareto distribution of followers.

Anyone who has sent you wokens before you joined, called Tributors, will also receieve a portion of the minted wokens.

The issuance process sets up three incentives for early network growth:

  1. Small influence users are able to unlock large bounties of trapped Wokens by hunting “influence whales”
  2. Influence whales are encouraged to participate to unlock the Wokens sent to them by whale hunters.
  3. Smaller new users receive much larger portions of minted tokens than whales, but distribution is generally biased towards existing users due to the tribute ratio calculation.

Influence Bonding Curve

Woke Token Issuance value flow

  1. Tributors transfer Wokens to the “unclaimed” user’s twitter account. We’ll call the new user Udi.
  2. Udi completes the account claiming process, triggering an issuance event. Udi’s follower count is used to calculate how many tokens to mint.
  3. Udi’s handicap is compared to the highest handicap in the group of tributors to calculate the tribute ratio.
  4. The tribute ratio determines the size of the tributor and awakening bonus pools.
  5. Tributor allocations are calculated using the distribution curve.
  6. Tributor allocations are transferred to the tributors
  7. Awakening bonus is transferred to the Udi. Claims process is complete
  8. Udi must spend at least half of his dormant Wokens before they are burned.



wAct is an actor composition framework for Nact that provides message and actor structure, common actor behaviour (like state machines), and supervision policies.

Presently being extracted as a stand-alone package: Wact.


Basic wallet dapp allowing users to signup and securely claim any Wokens they were sent prior to joining.

React app. Home-rolled web3-hooks package. Spicey.


Simplified Provable oracle for local development.


Burner wallet authentication using Hedgehog,

In lieu of relay transactions, alpha funds new accounts with a small amount of goerli ETH to complete the account claiming process.


Web3 microservice with self healing subscriptions and transactions. Easily spin up a web3 backend without worrying about transaction juggling, provider failures, or subscription reliability. Built with 📬 Wact.

Takes responsibility for blockchain nuances, applying its own policies for problems like account balances, gas usage, and node availability, giving the rest of the application a much smaller error and API surface to work with, and some clean assumptions for how web3 interactions are handled.

Presently being extracted as a stand-alone package: web3-sendee.


Tweet powerups, twitter notifications, leaderboard. See Woke Network.

Architecture is centred around the actor model, courtesty of Nact and Wact. Recovery-oriented so we can move fast.


Truffle contract artifacts containing the compiled contract binaries, method interfaces, and the migration configuration.

Migration configuration is essentially the contract address and network information for each chain the the contract has been deployed to. Truffle will continually update this build file as you migrate so a contract residing on multiple networks can be interacted with using a common artifact.



Deploy script help: ./scripts/build.sh -h && ./scripts/deploy.sh -h

On build host

  1. Make changes on feature branch
  2. Merge into develop
  3. Merge into production
  4. Build ./scripts/build.sh -bp
  5. Merge into hooked branch
    • Netlify: deploy-netlify

Deployment branches must always be downstream from develop.

On production host (e.g. GCloud COOS)

  1. Checkout & pull production
  2. Pull and start images bash ./scripts/deploy.sh -pr production




Google Cloud

Configuring docker-compose for Container-Optimized OS

This tutorial guides you through running Docker Compose in a container on a Container Optimized OS instance.


Goerli is the testnet. Also configured for Rinkeby. Goerli appears to be more reliable and less congested atm (so fresh).


Nodejs: Just use nvm.

nvm install 10.17.0

Monorepo setup:

# In project root dir
npm install -g lerna
lerna bootstrap

App: To make changes to the app view you don't need any of the back-end services. To test with local ethereum functionality you must be running the server and oracle.

# Views only
npm run design

# Local instance with local IO
npm run start

Deploy contracts locally

cd @woke/contracts-src
npm run ganache:client

# New terminal
cd @woke/contracts-src
./migrate.sh development


# Make sure docker is running.
# you'll have to use sudo dockerd if you haven't followed the docker
post-install instructions

# Run server DB in docker container
cd @woke/server
npm run db
npm run dev


npm run dev

Bot: Not dependency of app.

npm run db
npm run dev


  1. You could use this naughty install script, but it's generally a bad idea to sudo run scripts from the internet.
  2. OR Ubuntu installation

Readme todo