jackjt8 / TamrielCraftPack

TamrielCraft's Minecraft Resource Pack
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Expanding available items past current limits #6

Open jackjt8 opened 4 years ago

jackjt8 commented 4 years ago

Minecraft 1.14 adds item model overrides and a new NBT tag CustomModelData.

Example (source):

JSON Format

 "parent": "item/generated",
 "textures": {
 "layer0": "item/iron_ingot"

 "overrides": [
 {"predicate": {"custom_model_data":1234567}, "model": "item/gold_ingot"}

NBT tag /give @s minecraft:iron_ingot{CustomModelData:1234567}

If we combine this concept with the the large items in Item Frames we should be able to have an near infinite number of banners which we can use.

For consideration #4

jackjt8 commented 3 years ago

Upon further inspection it turns out we can use /replaceitem to equip custom block and item model onto players and entities.

ie /replaceitem entity jackjt8 armor.head minecraft:iron_ingot{CustomModelData:1234567}

This would allow us to have custom models for armour.