jackjt8 / TamrielCraftPack

TamrielCraft's Minecraft Resource Pack
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About Tamrielcraft

Tamrielcraft is a Minecraft Build/RP server seeking to recreate the entire continent of Tamriel from the Elder Scrolls series! It's currently undergoing major overhauls to revamp it for a new era of Minecraft RP.

SERVER IP (MC Java 1.20): tamrielcraft.eu

Tamrielcraft wiki Server Dynmap Discord

This repo

This repo is where you can suggest changes to Tamrielcraft's resource pack which is based on Excalibur by Maffhew

Build instructions

Either run Build.bat if on Windows OR Manually build:

  1. Download a copy of this Repo, Excalibur, and Excalibur Extras.

  2. Extract Excalibur first. Then overwrite any files with those from Excalibur Extras and finally TamrielCraftPack.

  3. Remove the following Optifine features in assets/minecraft/optifine/


    (release) 4. Update changelog.txt, pack.mcmeta, extras.txt, pack.png

(release) 5. Package contents into .zip file ie:


Common issues

OptiFine OpenGL Error 1281 - Generally causes by having VBOs, Render Regions, and Connected Textures (CTM) enabled while using a Nvidia GPU. If you experience this issue it is recommended that you disable OpenGL Errors in chat by:

Options > Video Settings > Other... > Show GL Errors: Off

Transparent textures do not display correctly - Minecraft bug tracked via MC-164001. A core-shader is included in this Resource Pack to fix it. You will need a mod like Transparent (Fabric) if you wish to use shaders via Iris as core-shaders get disabled.

Recommended Mods

Recommended that you use a 3rd party launcher with Instance support like Prism. This means that you can easily have different setups for different versions, modpacks, servers, etc.

Use Fabulously Optimized as a base mod pack. This mod pack contains everything you need to improve graphics and performance with a few QOL mods included.

DISABLE Enhanced Block Entities This mod will break culling on many blocks.


Adds alpha blending for Distant Horizons and Sodium. Also has some stuff for Iris so that shaders work better with Distant Horizons. This mod also messes up transparent textures.. so be warned.


Distant Horizons Alpha 2.0.1

Adds LODs to minecraft. Allows for massively increased render distances without costing too much performance. Works with Iris shaders.


Falling Leaves

Adds falling leaf particle effects to leaf blocks. Looks nice


Nvidium (Experimental)

Uses Nvidia mesh shaders to boost rendering performance and allows increased render distances at minimal cost. Works with Distant Horizons but auto disables for shaders.



This mod fixes a Minecraft bug, MC-164001, where transparent textures do not display correctly.



Lets you connect to EVERY minecraft server with QoL fixes. Introduces latency so you might not want to use it...
