jackreichert / over-engineered-todo

building a todo app to keep my skills sharp
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Select tooling engine #1

Closed jackreichert closed 11 months ago

jackreichert commented 11 months ago

Context create-react-app is no longer supported, there are two competing tooling libraries currently being used:

As a developer I want a well supported tooling library So that I don't have to worry about that and can focus on the secret sauce

Acceptance Criteria

jackreichert commented 11 months ago

From bing chat...

Both Vite and Next.js are great tools for building React applications. Here are some pros and cons of using each:



Both tools have their own advantages and disadvantages. Vite is faster than Next.js in terms of updates and build time, but Next.js has better SEO due to its automatic SSR. Vite supports absolute imports and environment variables, while Next.js has Typescript support out of the box. Both tools are customizable, but Next.js is more customizable than Vite.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 6/22/2023 (1) NextJS vs Create React App: Who wins? - LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nextjs-vs-create-react-app-who-wins-vikram-singh. (2) Next.js Pros and Cons | Clean Commit. https://cleancommit.io/blog/next-js-pros-and-cons/. (3) Next.js vs. React—a Comprehensive Comparison | FastComet. https://www.fastcomet.com/blog/nextjs-vs-react. (4) Vite 3.0 vs. Create React App - LogRocket Blog. https://blog.logrocket.com/vite-3-vs-create-react-app-comparison-migration-guide/. (5) Vite vs Next JS : r/reactjs - Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/reactjs/comments/t4wr6p/vite_vs_next_js/. (6) Create React App vs. NextJS vs. Vite - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLNq3SanPkk.

Next is VERY opinionated, and I'm not crazy with some of their decisions.

I chose Vite, as it is respected, and I've used it before. It sets up just enough to not have to think about tooling, not enough to get in the way.

Also, I don't need server side rendering. I will be exploring that though...