jackreichert / over-engineered-todo

building a todo app to keep my skills sharp
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(WIP) Over-Engineered To Do App

This project is a framework for me to keep my skills fresh. It's a work in progress, so if you got to it early and not much is here, don't fret. Ask me about it!

My goal is to do it like a kata, I've done really complex projects. This is to review, rethink, how I approach basic decisions.

A To Do App is really simple, but it can get complex too. It can be deceptively simple...

What's nice about it is a clear project, that at its core is clearly defined, but can be embellished upon easily.

These are all things I've had to implement for the teams I've led. So here I can keep those planning and implementation skills sharp.

What's great about it is I can rebuild it 10x times from scratch practicing the basics first. These basics are things I'll likely be asked in interviews, so they'll be at the tips of my fingers. But I can also build upon each skill as I build the project.

And... once I'm done I'll have a full project that I can switch out the "todo" functionality of and insert anything.

You can follow along in the issues which I'm using for planning and tracking.