jackun / VLCTube

The Unlicense
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Doesn't work #10

Closed martind0 closed 10 years ago

martind0 commented 10 years ago

VLCTube doesn't work, I tried it on Chrome with Tampermonkey and on Firefox with Greasemonkey, but it doesn't work, video plays in HTML5. Installing VLC 2.2.0 nightly doesn't help. I was trying older versions and the last one working was this https://github.com/jackun/VLCTube/commit/3533e430ede9614734bb25b06bc1f6a56e8c39a9 any newer doesn't work

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

whats your OS and what version of firefox did you use? also support for chrome was suspended until requested, so if you want it on chrome im sure jackun would try to make it work. and last but not least, what version of greasemonkey?

i know nothing about chrome/tampermonkey so i would be useless in helping, but with firefox i might be able to help.

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

i personally use firefox nightly 32bit, greasemonkey 2.0 with jun 24 hotfix ( https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/235773/greasemonkey-2.0-3_Fx29-Fx33-fx.xpi ), vlc win32 nightly (vlc-2.2.0-20140618-0003/ 2014-06-18 00:55), and on windows 7 ultimate and its working for me.

did you setup the path thing in windows? that would instantly make it not work, not 100% sure why this is needed but it seems its a must to make it work.

Windows users: If VLC fails to load, you may need to add VLC install dir (like c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC) to %PATH%. Go to Control Panel ->System -> Advanced-> Environment Variables. If there is already something set in PATH, use semicolon as separator ( like "c:\some\thing;c:\another\place"), system variables is where Path exists. how to video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYqX_T-XmbA this applies to XP, Vista, 7 windows 8: Start -> All Apps -> Control panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Environment variables. winpath

martind0 commented 10 years ago

I downloaded Greasemonkey 2 and it works! Thanks! It would be good if it would work on Chrome too, I will stick with the older version for now.

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

assuming all issues are resolved this issue should be closed now ^.^