jackun / VLCTube

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unusually slow loading videos (not technically an issue, more like a question) #13

Closed Sonic0170 closed 10 years ago

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

is it possible google has made a way to cause videos to load slow to discourage this type of mod? or is this just happening to me alone? seems loading videos in the flash player loads at normal speed on 720p but when i use VLC/VLCTube the loading many times seems like its throttled/slow, any ideas?

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

ugh wrong button, im so not used to git yet still

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

ok so after looking into things more it seems youtube is making a major move into html5, its no longer possible to opt out/opt in to html5 im wondering if this is the reason its loading slow

ghost commented 10 years ago

Here's my theory:

Flash player is more deeply integrated into browser and loads at a different level, the plugin is loaded much sooner than the post hoc loaded VLC plugin, so maybe youtube can detect the time between when you request a page and when the video stream is requested and if the difference is larger than a certain amount they deprioritize the serving of that stream, because they consider that your computer must be sub par already as the 'flash plugin' took an inordinate amount of time to load. But that's just conjecture. I think it has something to do with the delay between page request and stream request, but it probably has to do with geography as well as i think it is a request prioritization issue.

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

the only issue with that is that this odd behavior only started happening 2 almost 3 days ago, before that it was flawless, im gonna test older versions of vlc and see if that does anything, idk why it would but it couldn't hurt, its likely google might be doing that though

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

oh for fucks sake, vlc has screwed something up appearently

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

ok so i went back to this build vlc-2.2.0-20140616-0003/ 2014-06-16 00:50 now its working flawlessly again O.o damn videolan

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

and then everything stops working.... google or videolan hates me :P

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

ok so jackun fixed the issue with it not loading and i found that the latest nightly version of VLC that works flawlessly is vlc-2.2.0-20140723-0201/ 2014-07-23 02:40, so now both issues are now solved, i shall post a notice on greasyfork about it too ^.^