jackun / VLCTube

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vlctube does not load anymore, firefox or youtube must have changed #14

Closed Sonic0170 closed 9 years ago

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

nightly 34.0a1 (2014-07-24) greasemonkey 2.1 VLCTube 57.6 vlc-2.2.0-20140616-0003/ 2014-06-16 00:50 (newer version are acting weird loading videos super slow when vlctube was working)

that's all, vlctube just doesn't load anymore, did multiple tests including a new profile on firefox and older versions of vlctube and VLC, something in youtube or firefox must have changed causing this script to not work at all.

jackun commented 10 years ago

Eh, didn't use the object returned by createObjectIn properly and accessed it directly from unsafeWindow. Firefox 34 seems to disallow it now. Fix seemed to work in GM2.0/2.1 and Fx 34.

E: Ugh, now Fx30 is broken with GM2.0/2.1...

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

ok so i managed to find a copy of firefox nightly (2014-07-23) and now its working fine, im not sure what suddenly changed but now its working again, i guess i just wont update for a while

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

so the july 24 version is broken or they changed security

jackun commented 10 years ago

Yeah, they 'tightened' it up a bit.

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

ill just sit on this version until something can be done http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/2014-07-23-03-02-02-mozilla-central/firefox-34.0a1.en-US.win32.installer.exe

ill leave this here for reference until then ^.^

Sonic0170 commented 10 years ago

well that was easy O.o ty jackun

jackun commented 10 years ago

I'll reopen just in case. There are some version 'mismatch' problems. Fx30 (current stable in Archlinux i think) with GM2.x doesn't seem to work, only with older 1.x. And i didn't check what version i had installed before testing 2.x, pfft.

E: Fx 30 + GM 2.x seems to work now, but Fx 34 live streams are borked.

lostdj commented 10 years ago

Same here.

Name: Pale Moon Version: 24.6.2 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20140610 Firefox/24.0 PaleMoon/24.6.2

VLC 2.1.3 Win64.

jackun commented 9 years ago

Ok, hopefully things are now more stable with firefox and GM so I was trying to get the non-injecting version working again. Mozilla docs say that the 'callback' exported functions are new in Fx 33 but seemed to work on linux 32.0.1 / GM 2.2. It breaks most javascript on youtube (security errors still) but player itself should work. @Sonic0170 does it work for you too (to some degree)?

E: Ok, I'm using my own getElementById so that needed to be exported to DOM as well so YT js should work again too with non-injecting version.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

its been working almost flawlessly for me for a long time, which is why you haven't heard from me in so long :) also btw, the web plugin on more recent versions of VLC nightly 3.0.0 have fixed the bug that creeped up on us a while ago to clarify, the bug was in the web plugin that i described in the greasyfork forum for VLCTube feedback

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

dammit i hate that button, im still accidentally hitting it instead of cancel