jackun / VLCTube

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config won't save v2 :D #26

Closed Sonic0170 closed 9 years ago

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

its really odd, now the settings wont save or even apply, refresh youtube and its all back to defaults, any idea how or why this would happen?

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

BTW i deleted my old profile and made a new one, which is when this started happening, im not sure what happened.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

and im gonna just close this now that i have realized that all firefox nightly beyond v34 are borked or at least refuse to work with either the scripts or twitch, i need a version that works with twitch and vlctube flawlessly, v35 breaks twitch and vlctube, v36 breaks vlc tube or breaks twitch depending on date of release, there is no winning with nightly so im gonna migrate to the stable release until something is fixed which is currently v33.

any release after v34 is gonna horribly break either vlctube or twitch and i am not looking forward to it....

jackun commented 9 years ago

This maybe: ...nope..

Not exactly but maybe some underlaying issue affects it even in plain GM sandbox too.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

made a post in greasyfork giving a heads up to others, I hope the cause is something that simple, its also likely that firefox has earned itself a nasty bug too, hopefully its not that bad and your theory is the cause.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

well it seems to be happening again, this time with firefox v33 stable release, im not sure whats going on and i have no idea how to figure out how to find errors about the config not saving so ill just reopen this and wait, so far it has saved my previous settings but now i cant change settings anymore again which i can tolerate for the time being, goodluck jack this seems more strange than other issues

jackun commented 9 years ago

Well, try the non-injecting version (v56, i haven't incremented version but should be on par with master). It should save instantly (if there's no security error :P)

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

yep now it saves, now the only issue i have is that the player height is static and it wont let me force it to be oversized anymore but i assume that may have been intentional based on your note on the non-inject page "conforming to YT's CSS".

just as a side note from me, how i been using VLCTube, i have been using this addon ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/youtube-high-definition/ ) to force the player to align left so i could make the player take up the whole screen using its "full page" option in combination with your "Wide Player Width at 95%" in vlctube.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so for the time being I have fallen back to 57.24 for now but it should work fine since I changed my settings before downgrading, let me know when you need a new version tested, ill be glad to test anything you want me to try

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok soooo ummm im still on 57.24 and its now saving changes without issue...... I really have no idea why its so retarded but well i guess nothing is wrong now???? im so confused, so ill close this again, sorry for confusing you jackun. but don't mistake what im saying, the height thing is still a bit of an issue for me although it has nothing to do with the original issue on the title, but maybe a setting i normally use causes that to happen? I hope you might have an answer for me

jackun commented 9 years ago

Actually, window-scope "local" variables weren't update, ugh. Missed it while trying to get it working with new Fx/GM security model.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so i tried out your newest version (57.38) but the video height is still locked, not sure if its me or VLCTube, but just letting you know