jackun / VLCTube

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Sidebar display problem in "Narrow" mode when the window is wide #27

Closed LL25255252 closed 9 years ago

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

You probably have noticed it (you said yesterday that you are working on the css of the script) but to make sure:

screenshot : vlctube - cause sidebar cut 2


create a new profile install GM install VLCtube Make the window narrower than about 1300px. Open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO-BxMXvdCU Make the window wider than about 1300px. Reload the page If its still OK try Reload again Now look at the top of the related videos sidebar - it is cut.

workaround to fix:

Make the window narrower than about 1300px. Reload the page

And a request :

While fixing the css please make it compatible with the top video bar of "view-youtube-videos-by-same-user" script. https://greasyfork.org/scripts/946-view-youtube-videos-by-same-user


My monitor 1920x1200 VLCtube 57.26 GM 2.2 Win 7 x64

jackun commented 9 years ago

Yep, that's one of the things, but it is annoying to test on my 1280x800 laptop, heh.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Remember to also test those narrow/wide modes also on a playlist - which display the "playlist box" on top of that related videos sidebar. Good luck !!

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

First, great job for fixing the sidebar bug.

I have a related suggestion, I think the script should stick with YT's naming for the 2 modes of viewing : Default and Theater.

I think those terms are more accurate than VLCtube's wide and narrow. Why ? Because in some cases - e.g. on a Maximized window or Full-Screen (F11) window (I have a 1920x1200 monitor) - the Theater mode is the more "narrow" mode and the Default mode is the "wide" mode. The comments section in the Theater mode (VLCtubes's wide mode) are MUCH more NARROWER than the Default mode and even the video size in the Theater mode is sometimes smaller (though video size also depends on the chosen video resolution).

BTW - As of now hovering VLCtube's icon displays "wide" in both modes.

Tested on 57.28 1920x1200 monitor

jackun commented 9 years ago

Why ? Because in some cases - e.g. on a Maximized window or Full-Screen (F11) window (I have a 1920x1200 monitor) - the Theater mode is the more "narrow" mode and the Default mode is the "wide" mode.

Even with flash player? Otherwise probably incorrect styling is still applied then.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Yes, this quote describes the display view with or without flash.

jackun commented 9 years ago

Until next time ;-P