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Autoplay tries to take over in playlists #29

Closed altunyurt closed 9 years ago

altunyurt commented 9 years ago

Autoplay and autoplay playlists options are disabled in my configuration. While watching a video from a playlist, when the video ends, autoplay icon flashes, and


Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so this seems to be a youtube problem that vlctube goes haywire on in which the playlist automatically plays the next video whether or not you have autoplay playlist activated in vlctube settings. it seems its forced in youtube to automatically have autoplay activated, many many people are complaining about this without vlctube. here is one solution that will help most issues but wont help if you specifically clicked on a playlist as the script ignores links with context such as YouTube.com/playlist in the URL, https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3433-playlist-remover im not sure why vlctube's autoplay options are overridden by youtube, but im sure jackun will find out why one day

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

it only works if you click on individual videos just to be clear

jackun commented 9 years ago

An unnecessary querySelector() didn't seem to return the next playlist item. But with my limited testing it seemed to work now. Also the 'Autoplay playlists' now affects if next video is automatically played.

@Sonic0170 if you're on non-inject version, you might need to force update the script sometimes.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

im on 57.24, but if you mean by refreshing the page after changing an option to force it, then yes i do that and the options now stay which is why i blamed myself on that closed issue from a while ago, still not sure what went retarded lol but im sure it was my fault somehow. i have had this playlist issue happen on multiple versions of vlctube including 57.28, i always make sure to test the latest and earlier versions to be 100% sure, including creating a fresh temp firefox profile for testing, sometimes i test it on my other 3 computers to see what happens, btw i have moved all of them to firefox stable build v33.0.2 because v35 and v36 are borked and alot of sites screw up for some reason that only mozilla knows why.

so to be clear about the playlist thing, (when i click to watch a single video it loads that video with a playlist even though i didn't click on an actual playlist and the playlist is default set to autoplay and even when i have that option in vlctube off, it still plays the next video, the script in that link is to remove the playlist when i didn't personally choose to watch a playlist.) that was just a recap, if you already understood then ignore it ^.^

also on another note, that autoplay issue not staying off also happens on normal flash or html5, so i guess im blaming either firefox or google again :P

for the reason im using 57.24 is because the new restrictions on player size in the code breaks my little sudo full screen hack that i use the youtube high definition firefox addon in which it forces the player to align left and with your option set to 95% makes the player take up most of the screen without forcing me to click the fullscreen button, 57.25 and later broke the hack.

altunyurt commented 9 years ago

It's working, 57.31.

Thank you.