jackun / VLCTube

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Watching a video doesn't add it to the History list. #30

Closed LL25255252 closed 9 years ago

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Some notes:

Can you come up with some kind of a workaround ?

VLCtube 57.28 Firefox 33 Win 7 x64

jackun commented 9 years ago

history list

As in previously watch videos? Probably. Flash does some tracking queries that VLCTube currently doesn't.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

to be honest i have had this happen without VLCTube, but it does seem like it happens more noticeably with VLCTube which confirms what jackun said, im curious if its VLCTube, browser error's, or google shitty coding cause sometimes it triggers "watched" and sometimes it doesn't, i like to blame google for everything most the time lmfao to be honest though, firefox has run into alot of really strange bugs so im wary if firefox is causing alot of small issues such as this

jackun commented 9 years ago

Ok, see if history works with 57.30. It may add too early though. Maybe should call it when 'play' event is actually fired.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Wow! what a quick fix ... I thought it would take you some time to fix it so I found a semi-workaround: Install https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/4948-youtube-auto-like-videos with https://www.youtube.com/my_liked_videos

Can you make it also work on embedded videos ? https://twitter.com/YouTube/status/519908780424040448

jackun commented 9 years ago

Can you make it also work on embedded videos ?

History? Ah good that you reminded me :P

Edit: Scratch that, you have to click on embedded video anyway, only then it is added.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

as jackun has once said, even though the script is large its actually simple, now i understand maybe 5% of it lol, but for jackun its all really simple which is a good thing ^.^ so im always impressed how fast he can fix things and improve things, even though he says its simple.

i think that auto likes script triggers the watched thing, when you like a video it immediately marks it as watched maybe

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

im really not sure, just a random guess, i don't think auto liking is a good idea anyway

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

@Sonic, I agree, auto-liking is not an ideal solution but I posted this auto-like semi-workaround because I thought it would be a big problem for jackun to fix like it is with issue #21 (the "watch later" problem)

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

you have to click on embedded video anyway, only then it is added.

good job, and it's now (57.31) working on embedded videos as well.