jackun / VLCTube

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Request - Can you make the Space Bar Pause/Play in the Auto-Hide mode even when not hovering the control bars ? #36

Closed LL25255252 closed 9 years ago

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

In the other mode (not Auto-Hide) it does pause/play even when not hovering the control bars.

ex: https://twitter.com/YouTube/status/519908780424040448

TIA VLCtube 57.40

jackun commented 9 years ago

Not specific to embedded videos: Preliminary shortcuts test.

SPACE = play/pause if not focused by INPUT/TEXTAREA/BUTTON. CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT = seek 10 seconds if not focused by INPUT/TEXTAREA. CTRL + UP/DOWN = change volume by 1% if not focused by INPUT/TEXTAREA and VLC is playing.

But the thing is that just clicking on VLC plugin "video area" doesn't seem to give the window/iframe focus so you have to find some html element to click.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

WOW...Amazing !! My play/pause with Space issue is fixed and the shortcuts for seeking and controling the volume are great.

Still, one little question. You wrote :

SPACE = play/pause if not focused by INPUT/TEXTAREA/BUTTON.

Which button/buttons do you refer to ?

jackun commented 9 years ago

<BUTTON/> html element.