jackun / VLCTube

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Settings are not saved or read in ff 35beta #37

Closed altunyurt closed 9 years ago

altunyurt commented 9 years ago

I've recently upgraded ff to v35beta, and vlctube started to use default settings. Custom settings are not saved and it's always loaded with the default settings.

v58.0 on ff35beta

jackun commented 9 years ago

I think it is GM issue with GM_listValues. Trying to index GM_listValues() returned array complains about accessing privileged Javascript object.


Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

firefox stable moved to v35 now, so im going through this issue now also

jackun commented 9 years ago

Array from GM_listValues cannot be accessed from GM. Array indexing just gives 'undefined' values. Weird.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

so a greasemonkey bug that hasnt been fixed yet it sounds like

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

a curious comment at end of this issue seems relevant https://github.com/greasemonkey/greasemonkey/issues/2004

jackun commented 9 years ago

Hah, cloneInto()-ing the values into sandbox works. (Until next time.....)

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

one final question, is there a reason the video's height is locked, is it possible to have a "player Height" option for custom player sizes?

jackun commented 9 years ago

I haven't bothered/had time to deal with it yet. But I'll see tonight/tomorrow.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok thank you

jackun commented 9 years ago

Sonic0170, try this WIP version. It is quirky as hell. I don't remember what was needed for the player div to fall back to the left side properly when unwidening. inb4 git log. Missed one element when resetting the style.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

thats amazing, way to go jackun, this is exactly what i was looking for, a matter of fact, i think i like it centered over aligned left, this is just perfect thank you so much

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

when or if you merge these changes into master ima delete the fork and remove the link on the greasyfork page and by link i mean the link to my fork of your script

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so something seems to be happening, it loads the settings of the version before i installed your WIP version, when i change the settings it holds for a little while and then after i jump around the web for a minute or 2 and then watch another video, it drops back to the settings i had from the older version.

this sounds strange but i have no idea whats happening, the previous settings are ok and all but its a strange behavior.

i did try reloading to save settings but it still repeats the same behavior, i would assume if i deleted all the old settings by removing all vlctube files from my profile would cause the settings to reset to default if i did the same thing, ill keep testing and see if it keeps happening, but i wanted to let you know for now

jackun commented 9 years ago

Saving might be busted. Reinstall from dropbox link and try again.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so i tried deleting all vlctube stuff from my profile and even tried a fresh temporary profile and the script loads but the whole player is missing, im gonna load your current master script, set the setting their and then load your wip and see if it works like before again

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so i tried that and now the player is just missing like i previously said, this is weird, im not sure how it was working for me from before so the player is missing no matter what, im curious how it worked for me the first time O.o

jackun commented 9 years ago

Maybe firefox is blocking the plugin now? Set it to always activate.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

its already set to always active, something just refuses to work now, did you change anything from the wip version you posted when i installed it the first time? im curious because you used strikeout on your paragraph saying you missed something so im wondering if you altered the wip

jackun commented 9 years ago

Something idiotic is happening. Logging GM_getValue:

Line 3211: GM_getValue is function() ....blah...

Actually calling it:

Line 3212: GM_getValue is undefined
Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

all this new security is such a hassle lol

jackun commented 9 years ago

It seems to be injecting script code twice into document, ehh. Ok, second is signature deciphering code, duh. If settings from GM_getValue aren't copied into document, it works, uh.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

odd, so how is the current master working while your minor changes in this wip arent? i would assume you didnt have to do much to add custom player size

jackun commented 9 years ago

"undefined" value type was giving some trouble. Try now.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

same link in previous comment?

jackun commented 9 years ago

yep, ok, nighty-night for today from here, hehe.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

gnight and thank you

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

ok so the width percentage defaults to 86% and won't let me change it in the options window, otherwise all other options save properly. so i went into the script and changed the default to 97% and it worked so i think something is preventing the custom option from loading over the default.

ill just leave this here for you when you wake up and have time

jackun commented 9 years ago

Right, should have a check for undefined values when saving too. Try the dbox link again.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

that worked thank you