jackun / VLCTube

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Doesn't work for 64 bit Firefox Nightly #4

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

I'm using firefox 32.0.1a 64 bit on windows server 2012. The script appears to work, the ui is loaded and replaces flash, but won't play. The firefox web console indicates: "[VLCTube@0d92f6be108e4fbee9a6a0ee4366b72e]" "loadPlayer" undefined vlctube@0d92f6be108e4fbee9a6a0ee4366b72e.user.js:4123

jackun commented 10 years ago

64 bit

You have 64bit VLC/plugin installed? about:plugins

ghost commented 10 years ago

Yes, I have successfully tested embedded VLC plugin:

ghost commented 10 years ago

Line 4123 is:

console.log("loadPlayer", upsell);

This is where it says loadPlayer is undefined, but the line is within the loadPlayer function:

function loadPlayer(win, oldNode, upsell)
    var inst = new ScriptInstance(win, false, oldNode, upsell);
    //win.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(e){inst.DOMevent_xhr(e);}, true);

    console.log("loadPlayer", upsell);
    //TODO which works the best
    //win.addEventListener('beforeunload', function(e){inst.saveSettings();}, true);
    win.addEventListener('unload', function(e){inst.saveSettings();}, true);
ghost commented 10 years ago

Man, this script seems so awesome. It could replace the download video script I have and get rid of flash that keeps crashing and needing a reboot to work again for me. I really hope someone can get it to work or give me some pointers to debug further.

I installed 32 bit vlc plugin and firefox and it works there. So it is a 64 bit deal, I guess. I may just confine myself to 32bit, if a solution can't be found for the alpha version only 64 bit firefox.


the error from the web console is irrelevant.

The same error shows up in the 32 bit version that works.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for this, vlc plugin is so much better than flash. Can I give you some money via paypal or bitcoin? Do you have a donation link somewhere?

jackun commented 10 years ago

E: Pfft, totem plugin overrided VLC so Linux 64bit, Fx 32.0a1 work fine atleast. Ah, ok, so you got atleast 32bit working. But anyway Win8.1 x64, FF32.0a1 and VLC 2.1.3 x64 works for me even with the random GM_getValue error.

ghost commented 10 years ago

It seems like it loads fine, but when I push play the icon changes from "S" to "E" instead of "P". It reloads the page with hashtag #vlc-error but I don't see any information. Is there anyway for me collect some error information. I don't see anything in web console or the profiler? And, how about a donation address?

jackun commented 10 years ago

donation address

None needed.

Download link is the same that gets passed to VLC. So click that to see if it even downloads or copy/paste it do desktop version of VLC and open 'View > Messages' window.

Is there anyway for me collect some error information

Not really

ghost commented 10 years ago

So, I upgraded to the most recent Nightly and this behavior went away, everything works. Sorry, for the trouble. I owe you.

Thanks, Michael Motes

jackun commented 10 years ago

Probably also #5