jackun / VLCTube

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Buffer length #48

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I can't set a higher bufferenght (60). The number resets every time.

jackun commented 9 years ago

Yes. VLC web plugin's docs say 60 secs is maximum.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I am sorry, I didn't notice anything incorrect or misguiding in my sentence earlier. By writing 60 in brackets, I meant I couldn't set this exact value. I tried with different values as well. I even tried setting it manually (I changed value in all 2 or 3 places in plugin file), but actually it showed only the changed value yet it was still 5 in buferring. I would like to thank You for this plugin, I've been using it for months. Somehow flash plugin has issues and generates issues when it's "present" in few browser windows (I have usually open ca. 60). Your piece of work saved my nerves on numerous occasions.

jackun commented 9 years ago

Ok, I missed that option last time trying to work around new firefox/GM sandboxing security errors. Should work now, but is limited to max 60s

ghost commented 9 years ago

It worked like a charm. Thank You for blitz response and solution.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Jackun, can you please explain what this "Buffer length" parameter is for ? I never changed it. It is set on 5 seconds and works fine. Thanks in advance.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

its the amount in seconds how much of the video is loaded/buffered before it starts playing, as in 5 seconds of the video or longer depending on how you set it. this was put in place for people that have unusually slow connections and need to buffer more at a time.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

@Sonic0170, thank you.