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(Solved) Fail to play VEVO vids on 2 cases #69

Closed LL25255252 closed 9 years ago

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

If the first video played after Firefox is launched is from VEVO then VLCtube fails.

STR: create a new profile install GM 3.2 install VLCtube 61.12 (the new version)

Problem 1:

Problem 2 (after reload) (update June 25th):

Choosing VEVO from the related videos - no problem.

GM 3.2 VLC Web Plugin Firefox 38.0.5 Win 7 x64 TIA.

jackun commented 9 years ago

Can you post console log ( CTRL+SHIFT+J, sanitize any personal info :P) as I can't seem to repro this.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago


LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

I constantly still have this problem. Any news ? @jackun , Have I understand you correctly and my STR reproduce no problems to you ? What are your specs (version of VLC and Firefox). @Sonic0170, have you also tried my STR ? TIA.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

OK...I found a workaround...tried several times and it seems to work on those problematic 720p Vevo vids: So when you get the "e" on Vevo videos:

  1. change the format from 720p to 360p (on the drop-down format menu) and then back to 720p
  2. start the video (click the "s")
Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

well @LL25255252 im not 100% what STR stands for, but with that video link in your first post, I have no issues playing it whatsoever. have you tried a newer or nightly version of VLC to see if it helps? im currently using the latest VLC nightly 3.0.0 32bit version available to windows http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/win32/

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Thanks Sonic for taking the time to help. Tried VLC nightly 3.0.0 64bt - but no change. Sonic, have you tried my STR (Steps To Reproduce) on a new profile? You probably have different settings for VLCtube than mine so if you test in a new profile with the VLCtube defaults then we'll both have the same settings.

I'm changing the title of the issue b/c it now happens not only after browser launch but on every VEVO video. It happens only if the "FIRST" video of a tab is a VEVO one. No problems after clicking on a related video thumb even if it is a VEVO one. After using my workaround (changing the video format - see my post above) VEVO vids play OK but if i Reload the page it happens again so I need to use my workaround again.

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

no changes, try switching to 32bit vlc since the official release of firefox comes only in 32bit builds for the time being, its possible a 64bit version of vlc might have unforeseen bugs. not sure if the web plugin is 64bit also but its a thought.

in the end this might just be an isolated incident, ive had those happen to me and jackun could never figure out why they happened to me, but i cant say how they were fixed because i just ended up getting lucky and they vanish.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

@Sonic0170 , thanks again for the help. Switched to 32bit vlc latest build but to avail (same problem). BTW - after I installed it the web plugin version changed from to All my tests are done in a new/fresh firefox profile.

You said at the beginning "no changes" - what do you mean ? Still, I can't understand. Have you tried my STR on a new profile ?

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

i can create a new temp profile for testing using the profile manager, but even with a new profile i still had no issues. honestly i dont use the term STR, but yes i would have to install all the items to be able to test it. by no changes i mean its still the same for me after i tested on a new profile.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

"... but yes i would have to install all the items to be able to test it.". "all the items" - SORRY (really) for the nagging...but aren't ALL the items just Greasemonkey and VLCtube. That's it. Nothing more to install. As I mentioned in the STR I want you to use VLCtube default settings. BTW - the VLC web plugin is automatically installed by the profile manager (no need to install it).

Sonic0170 commented 9 years ago

yes vlctube and greasemonkey @LL25255252 im sorry your having such issues but you know what i meant when i said that and yes all the setting would be at default, i really wish i could reproduce your issue but im at a loss

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

There's another case when it fails to play VEVO video - see my opening post (I updated it). Therefore I also updated the issue's title. @Sonic, thanks again for taking the time to help.

jackun commented 9 years ago

Might be a timing issue. Try this. It should re-add the url with proper signature to VLC playlist when the decipherer parsing is done.

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

:+1: Great news. Many Thanks @jackun for the new 61.15. All is working fine now, including VEVO. It also fixed issue #70. On the last few days it was not just VEVO vids. I had the "e' in regular vids...Now EVERYHING is fixed. :)

BTW - I have installed 61.15 from the homepage - https://github.com/jackun/VLCTube/blob/master/25318.user.js . Is it the same as https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/235773/25318.user.js ?

jackun commented 9 years ago

Github one is now newer (e: actually copied it to dbox too, 61.16), re-fixed the GMgetValue, should work with new clean profiles again >>

LL25255252 commented 9 years ago

Installed and tested the new 61.16 and everything is OK.