jacobhausler / gestalt-list

Re-do of the gestaltCLP backend from gestalt's blog-example
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Gestalt List

Build Status

A craigslist like GraphQL API built with Gestalt

Checkout the frontend Apollo List


Start Postgres

From a blank directory:

git clone git@github.com:jacobhausler/gestalt-list.git .
npm install
createdb gestalt-list
npm run migrate


npm run dev

API and graphiql are both served from localhost:8000/graphql.


All files in src named test.js or ending with .test.js are aggregated and run. Tests should be colocated with their source files.

You will need to familiarize yourself with mocha, chai, sinon, sinon-chai, and gestalt.

Single run

npm run test


npm run test:watch


npm run deploy