jacobjwebber / software-development

Software development assignment.
MIT License
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Software development assignment.

This is a Python web project. It depends on Python and Pip. You will need these installed. Go to https://www.python.org/ if necessary or use package manager (homebrew or dnf/apt-get).

It also depends upon virtualenv. Use pip install virtualenv if necessary.

A build script is included that will automatically install dependencies and run the application on both Mac and linux. To run this go to src/ dir and run ./build_and_run.

On Windows this will need to be done manually, running pip install -r requirements.txt from within the src/ directory, then python framework.py from within the src/app/ directory.

For debugging it may be useful to set the environment variable FLASK_DEBUG=1.

This project is open source an is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt.

To see status of builds on all branches go to: https://travis-ci.org/jacobjwebber/software-development/branches