jacoxu / HMN4QA

This is the code&dataset for the paper [Hierarchical Memory Networks for Answer Selection on Unknown Words. COLING 2016]
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COLING2016-Hierarchical Memory Networks for Answer Selection on Unknown Words


Our demo code is implemented in Lasagne (writtern in Python).

$python main_run.py
or execute it in background:
$bash run.sh

(1). In order to aviod the version mismatch of Lasagne, we fork the verison_0.1 of Lasagne into this project.
(2). Some of MemN2N code is modified from one Theano implementation by npow.
(3). The source code of the data generator is released in the folder: ./datasets/data_generator/.    

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.