jacqueskang / IpcServiceFramework

.NET Core Inter-process communication framework
MIT License
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dotnetcore interprocess-communication named-pipes tcp wcf
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A .NET Core 3.1 based lightweight framework for efficient inter-process communication. Named pipeline and TCP support out-of-the-box, extensible with other protocols.

NuGet packages

Name Purpose Status
JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Client.NamedPipe Client SDK to consume IPC service over Named pipe NuGet version
JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Client.Tcp Client SDK to consume IPC service over TCP NuGet version
JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Hosting.NamedPipe Server SDK to run Named pipe IPC service endpoint NuGet version
JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Hosting.Tcp Server SDK to run TCP IPC service endpoint NuGet version


  1. Create an interface as service contract and package it in an assembly to be referenced by server and client applications, for example:

    public interface IInterProcessService
        string ReverseString(string input);
  2. Implement the service in server application, for example:

    class InterProcessService : IInterProcessService
        public string ReverseString(string input)
            char[] charArray = input.ToCharArray();
            return new string(charArray);
  3. Install the following NuGet packages in server application:

    > Install-Package Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
    > Install-Package JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Hosting.NamedPipe
  4. Register the service implementation and configure IPC endpoint(s):

    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                .ConfigureServices(services =>
                    services.AddScoped<IInterProcessService, InterProcessService>();
                .ConfigureIpcHost(builder =>
                    // configure IPC endpoints
                    builder.AddNamedPipeEndpoint<IInterProcessService>(pipeName: "pipeinternal");
                .ConfigureLogging(builder =>
                    // optionally configure logging
  5. Install the following NuGet package in client application:

    > Install-Package JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Client.NamedPipe
  6. Invoke the server

    // register IPC clients
    ServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
        .AddNamedPipeIpcClient<IInterProcessService>("client1", pipeName: "pipeinternal")
    // resolve IPC client factory
    IIpcClientFactory<IInterProcessService> clientFactory = serviceProvider
    // create client
    IIpcClient<IInterProcessService> client = clientFactory.CreateClient("client1");
    string output = await client.InvokeAsync(x => x.ReverseString(input));