jadbox / brackets-integrated-development

IDE-like support for Brackets
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Integrated Development for Brackets

WARNNIG: no longer maintained

This extension provides Brackets with integrated development capabilities like compiling, error line markers, and debugging support. Currently works with PHP, Python, Ruby, Perl, Dlang and JavaScript(Node)!

Use the left Run icon or press Ctrl(Cmd)-Alt-B to build current file.

Notes: You must have the compiler/interpreter installed within your global path for this extension to execute it.


  1. Runs the intepreter against your file and returns the output into a panel.
  2. If an error is reported, the panel shows a table list of the reported errors.
  3. Click on the errors in the list to jump to the file and error line number. The line will be marked red with the error message viewable on mouse hover.
  4. It is possible to create own build systems via 'Edit>Edit Builder' menu item and editing opened JSON-file (you need to restart Brackets).
  5. The build action will save all working set files of the same filetype automatically.

Auto Compile

In your project root preference file ".brackets.json", you can enable to the compiler to run every time you save the current file.

Example .brackets.json file:

{ "IDE.autocompile": true }

To lock autocompiling to a single target file, when any file is saved, use the below. Note that you will need to specify the file type as it is named in the "builder.json". This may change in the future to be autodetected.

{ "IDE.autocompile": true, "IDE.basefile": "test cases/test1.php", "IDE.basefiletype": "PHP" }


Pull Requests are encouraged and will be quickly reviewed to be merged!

Built upon https://github.com/Vhornets/brackets-builder for command execution, although much of it has been already rewritten.

Contact: @jadbox Integrated Development for Brackets