jafamo / spring-backbone-collection-databinding

A case study on collection data binding with Spring and Backbone
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A case study on collection data binding with Spring and Backbone

Codeship Status for mefernandez/spring-backbone-collection-databinding


While developing a web application with Spring boot as the main framework, I came across the need to add, remove and modify a list of elements in a web page and submit these changes to the server. Although it's a common task for a web framework, I found it to be non-trivial. So, I set out to write a case study to help me organize what I've learnt and maybe help others.

The application resulting from this case study is running live thanks to Heroku.

The case

Consider a web page showing a table of users like this one:

Name Email
John john@mail.com
Mike mike@mail.com
Lisa lisa@mail.com

This is the set of actions to perform on this list of users:

  1. Add a new user. That means, adding a row to the table with a new name and email, and then submit that change to the server. Also, you may wish to add more than one user before submitting all changes at once.
  2. Remove a user. That means, removing a row from the table. The row may be of an existing user, or a user that's just been added on step 1. Again, more than one row can be deleted before submitting these changes to the server.
  3. Modify the data of a user.


The main components involved in this case study are:

  1. A @Controller with methods to handle GET and POST requests.
  2. A User class to hold the values for name and email.
  3. A Form class. This is just a POJO to hold a collection of Users.
  4. An HTML template using Thymeleaf to render @Controller results.
  5. JavaScript code using Backbone to dynamically add or remove table rows.

Note that the first three items in the list above address the server-side aspect of the problem, while the last two refer to the client-side.

The following sections will focus on the server-side where the databinding occurs, taking the POST request parameters as the starting point, no matter how the client-side managed to produce these. At the end of this article, a section will be devoted to describe the client-side.


This is the list of cases to study:

  1. An empty List, where the collection of Users is actually an empty java.util.List. It's worth studying this case for its simplicity and also because there may be times where the collection will only get created once and not edited thereafter.
  2. A non-empty Map, where the collection of Users is actually a non-empty java.util.Map. The case will start showing the problems with a non-empty List and indexed-based databinding, and then overcome these problems using Map instead of List.
  3. Using JPA, and how to perform databinding when the collection of Users is retrieved directly from a @Repository using spring-data-jpa module.

The server-side

 An empty List

Let's start with an empty List of Users. Adding a new User to this List means to send a POST request to the @Controller with the name and email values for the new user. In order for Spring to bind this data, the request parameters should follow the convention described in section Beans of the Spring Framework documentation. For this case, the POST request parameters look like:


Upon request, Spring will try to bind this data to the @ModelAttribute object of type Form defined inside the @Controller class.

Spring will create an instance of User and set the value "John" for property name and "john@mail.com" for property email. It will then insert this new User instance at index 0 in the users property of the form instance of type Form.

Here's the relevant code:

<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="users[0].name" value="Mike">
<input type="hidden" name="users[0].email" value="mike@mail.com">
public class User {
    // Getters and Setter ommited for the sake of brevity.
    private String name;

    private String email;
public class Form {

    private List<User> users;

    public List<User> getUsers() {
        return users;

    public void setUsers(List<User> users) {
        this.users = users;

public class DataBindingController {

    private List<User> users;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String updateUsers(@ModelAttribute("form") Form form) {
        this.users = form.getUsers();
        return "redirect:/";

    public Form getForm() {
        Form form = new Form();
        return form;

And that's it. The method updateUsers gets a fully populated Form instance by parameter, with all the databinding job done.

However, this is the most simple scenario, since the List is empty. But:

Let's address these questions.

A non-empty Map

Binding a collection of objects would be as simple as described just before if only the List passed to the view on the GET request would be empty and stayed empty until the databinding process finished processing the POST request. This is so because the binding of the objects is done according to the index each object is stored in the List. If indexes change between GET and POST, the reference is lost, and the databinder will confuse the objects.

Let's set an example to illustrate the problem with changing indexes. This is a List returned by the GET request and rendered as a table in the web page

Index Name Email
0 John john@mail.com

Now a new row is added at with data about Lisa at client-side.

Index Name Email
0 John john@mail.com
1(new) Lisa lisa@mail.com

Just before sending the data above as a POST request to the server, the List in the server-side is changed, so that Mike also gets added at index 1.

Index Name Email
0 John john@mail.com
1(new) Mike mike@mail.com

When the POST request sends the data about Lisa, it will overwrite Mike as a result of databinding based on indexes, and Mike's data will get lost:

Index Name Email
0 John john@mail.com
1 Lisa lisa@mail.com

Let's try to overcome the problems with indexes by introducing an identifier for objects of class User.

public class User {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private String email;

    // Setters and Getters omitted for the sake of brevity

In order to leverage identifiers, let's change the type of the users from List to Map. The Map will be populated with exising users storing each at key=id.

public class Form {

    private Map<Long, User> users;

    public Map<Long, User> getUsers() {
        return users;

    public void setUsers(Map<Long, User> users) {
        this.users = users;


Going back to the example, the view will again render this table upon GETrequest, but this time the id for John will be 1, which will match with the key in the Map.

Key Id Name Email
1 1 John john@mail.com

Again, a new row is added with data about Lisa at client-side. Since we need to store it with some key in the Map that won't collide with the existing ids, let's choose negative integers as keys for new users, taking for granted that identifiers will always be positive integers, generated and assigned at server-side.

Key Id Name Email
1 1 John john@mail.com
-1 1 Lisa lisa@mail.com

Once more, just before sending the data above as a POST request to the server, the Map at the server-side is changed, so that Mike also gets added with id=2, since John already has id=1.

Key Id Name Email
1 1 John john@mail.com
2 2 Mike mike@mail.com

When the POST request sends the data about Lisa, Spring will create a new User object for Lisa and put it at key=-1 inside the Map.

Key Id Name Email
1 1 John john@mail.com
2 2 Mike mike@mail.com
-1 null Lisa lisa@mail.com

Once databinding is done, the server-side will assign Lisa an id=3.

Modifying users

Modifying users is given for free with this setup. The client-side only needs to send the data of the row that's changed. Spring will update the data in the object that's stored in the Map at the specific key that matches the object's id.

For instance, if Mike's email gets changed:

Key Id Name Email
2 2 Mike mike_changed@mail.com

Then the form should submit:

<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="users[2].email" value="mike_changed@mail.com">

And that's it!

Removing users

In order to tell which users are removed, the client-side will set id=null, but keeping the key value. For instance, if John gets removed:

Key Id Name Email
1 null John john@foo.bar
2 2 Mike mike@mail.com
3 3 Lisa lisa@mail.com

The server-side will then remove all instances with null id.

To sum it up, this is the databinding contract for Map-backed collection of items:

  1. New items are stored in the Map with negative key values and id=null
  2. Deleted items are kept in the Map with the same key, but setting id=null
  3. Modified items are kept in the Map with the same key and same id, setting the new values for the modified properties.

Using JPA on a @OneToMany relationship

Up to this point, the collection of Users have been stored in-memory using a List or a Map. However, a real-life application would typically use something like a database to store data. So, let's see how the databinding is done using the spring-data-jpa module.


First thing to change will be the repository in the @Controller from List or Map to Repository.

public class JPADataBindingController {

    private IUserRepository repository;

The interface IUserRepository provides access to persisted Users and methods to save and update new Users.

public interface IUserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {


As you can see it's just an empty interface that specifies two Java Generics type parameters: the type of object to persist which shall be User, and the type of identifier which shall be Long. This interface will inherit methods such as findOne(Long id), findAll(), and save(User e) from the CrudRepository interface. There's no need to implement anything: Spring will :sparkles: automagically :sparkles: do eveything for us!

Sticking to Map

Before moving on to @OneToMany relationships, let's see how the case for Map seen before seen before applies to JPA.

JPA methods for retrieving collections of @Entities like findAll() return an Iterable. Since we need a Map in our Form object, we need to do some transformation in @ModelAttribute annotated method, like this:

public Form getForm() {
    Form form = new Form();
    Map<Long, User> usersMap = new HashMap<Long, User>();
    Iterable<User> usersInRepository = this.repository.findAll();
    for (User user : usersInRepository) {
        usersMap.put(user.getId(), user);
    return form;

Hence, the view will work just as described in the case for Map. Upon POST request, the Map needs to be processed to call @Repository save() or delete() methods according to the Map databinding contract.

@RequestMapping(value = "/jpa", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String updateUsers(@ModelAttribute("form") Form form) {
    // Save the binded data to our "Repository"
    Set<Entry<Long, User>> entrySet = form.getUsers().entrySet();
    for (Entry<Long, User> entry : entrySet) {
        Long key = entry.getKey();
        User user = entry.getValue();
        // Decide if this item gets deleted or needs to be saved
        if (key > 0 && user.getId() == null) {
        } else {
    return "redirect:/jpa";

:children_crossing: work in progress

 The client-side

Now that there's a databinding contract in place, let's see how to play by these rules at client-side.

We'll be using:

  1. Thymeleaf to render the initial table with the collection of Users retrieved from the Repository.
  2. Backbone.js to add dynamic capabilities to the table rendered by Thymeleaf to perform CRUD (CReate, Update, Delete) operations and to abide by Spring's databinding contract. Take a look at the annotated, side-by-side commented Backbone code.