jagenjo / litegraph.js

A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allows to export graphs as JSONs to be included in applications independently.
MIT License
5.31k stars 602 forks source link
blueprints canvas2d editor graph graphs javascript modular nocode node-graph nodejs nodes visual visual-programming workflow


A library in Javascript to create graphs in the browser similar to Unreal Blueprints. Nodes can be programmed easily and it includes an editor to construct and tests the graphs.

It can be integrated easily in any existing web applications and graphs can be run without the need of the editor.

Try it in the demo site.

Node Graph


Nodes provided

Although it is easy to create new node types, LiteGraph comes with some default nodes that could be useful for many cases:


You can install it using npm

npm install litegraph.js

Or downloading the build/litegraph.js and css/litegraph.css version from this repository.

First project

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://github.com/jagenjo/litegraph.js/blob/master/litegraph.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://github.com/jagenjo/litegraph.js/raw/master/litegraph.js"></script>
<body style='width:100%; height:100%'>
<canvas id='mycanvas' width='1024' height='720' style='border: 1px solid'></canvas>
var graph = new LGraph();

var canvas = new LGraphCanvas("#mycanvas", graph);

var node_const = LiteGraph.createNode("basic/const");
node_const.pos = [200,200];

var node_watch = LiteGraph.createNode("basic/watch");
node_watch.pos = [700,200];

node_const.connect(0, node_watch, 0 );


How to code a new Node type

Here is an example of how to build a node that sums two inputs:

//node constructor class
function MyAddNode()
  this.properties = { precision: 1 };

//name to show
MyAddNode.title = "Sum";

//function to call when the node is executed
MyAddNode.prototype.onExecute = function()
  var A = this.getInputData(0);
  if( A === undefined )
    A = 0;
  var B = this.getInputData(1);
  if( B === undefined )
    B = 0;
  this.setOutputData( 0, A + B );

//register in the system
LiteGraph.registerNodeType("basic/sum", MyAddNode );

or you can wrap an existing function:

function sum(a,b)
   return a+b;

LiteGraph.wrapFunctionAsNode("math/sum",sum, ["Number","Number"],"Number");

Server side

It also works server-side using NodeJS although some nodes do not work in server (audio, graphics, input, etc).

var LiteGraph = require("./litegraph.js").LiteGraph;

var graph = new LiteGraph.LGraph();

var node_time = LiteGraph.createNode("basic/time");

var node_console = LiteGraph.createNode("basic/console");
node_console.mode = LiteGraph.ALWAYS;

node_time.connect( 0, node_console, 1 );


Projects using it





MOI Elephant

MOI Elephant




It includes several commands in the utils folder to generate doc, check errors and build minifyed version.


The demo includes some examples of graphs. In order to try them you can visit demo site or install it on your local computer, to do so you need git, node and npm. Given those dependencies are installed, run the following commands to try it out:

$ git clone https://github.com/jagenjo/litegraph.js.git
$ cd litegraph.js
$ npm install
$ node utils/server.js
Example app listening on port 80!

Open your browser and point it to http://localhost:8000/. You can select a demo from the dropdown at the top of the page.


You can write any feedback to javi.agenjo@gmail.com
