jaggedsoft / node-binance-api

Node Binance API is an asynchronous node.js library for the Binance API designed to be easy to use.
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userFutureData not returning anything. #591

Open thisisloze opened 3 years ago

thisisloze commented 3 years ago

I used the example for userData and replaced it with userFutureData and I am not getting anything returned. I have made several trades and I left it open. Here is my code:

function balance_update(data) { console.log("Balance Update"); for ( let obj of data.B ) { let { a:asset, f:available, l:onOrder } = obj; if ( available == "0.00000000" ) continue; console.log(asset+"\tavailable: "+available+" ("+onOrder+" on order)"); } } function execution_update(data) { let { x:executionType, s:symbol, p:price, q:quantity, S:side, o:orderType, i:orderId, X:orderStatus } = data; if ( executionType == "NEW" ) { if ( orderStatus == "REJECTED" ) { console.log("Order Failed! Reason: "+data.r); } console.log(symbol+" "+side+" "+orderType+" ORDER #"+orderId+" ("+orderStatus+")"); console.log("..price: "+price+", quantity: "+quantity); return; } //NEW, CANCELED, REPLACED, REJECTED, TRADE, EXPIRED console.log(symbol+"\t"+side+" "+executionType+" "+orderType+" ORDER #"+orderId); } const updates = this.binance.websockets.userFutureData(balance_update, execution_update); console.log(updates)

    I ran it for 12hr and this is the only message I got.

    C:\projects\binanceTrader>node index.js

undefined [ 'Futures WebSocket closed: pUlFy6cJUEc3P4lQfZJhhRRcNtvXDKeuiuNLu3eek72DsnDLd1tgZ1Y7stn7hosw (1006)' ] [ 'Futures WebSocket reconnecting: pUlFy6cJUEc3P4lQfZJhhRRcNtvXDKeuiuNLu3eek72DsnDLd1tgZ1Y7stn7hosw...' ]

cryptochancla commented 3 years ago

same problem... i read all the issues about it... and tried to understand the userFutureData method... but stucked like you, i dont find a solution :(

function balance_update(data) {
    const util = require('util')
    console.log('balance_update :',util.inspect(data, {showHidden: false, depth: null}));

function execution_update(data) {
    const util = require('util')
    var arr = util.inspect(data, {showHidden: false, depth: null});
    console.log('execution_update :',arr);

const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const binance = new Binance();
reconnect: true,
useServerTime: true

binance.websockets.userFutureData(balance_update, execution_update);

even "binance.websockets.userFutureData(console.log, console.log, console.log);" or " binance.userFutureData(console.log, console.log, console.log, console.log);" doesnt work :(

cryptochancla commented 3 years ago

ok it works .... u just need to create an order... hm ok but how can i have an updated pnl in real time ? or an updated list of my canceled orders ? cause the stream just updates when an order is executed thats all :(

kanish-111 commented 2 years ago

having same issue. any updates on this??

ddesvard commented 2 years ago

have you tried including the 4 callbacks?

function margin_call_update(data) { console.log(margin_call_update:data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}) } function account_update(data) { console.log(account_update:data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}) } function order_update(data) { console.log(order_update:data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}) } function subscribed_update(data) { console.log(subscribed_update:data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}) }

binance.websockets.userFutureData(margin_call_update, account_update, order_update, subscribed_update );

ordimans commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem after running it during some hours. I think the problem is the websocket is alvie for 60 minutes, and so we need to use keep alive like mentionned here :


It seems coded, but don't work very well ?

Because if i restart the script, old data was processed in the WS....

apiRequest( url + 'v1/listenKey', {}, function ( error, response ) { Binance.options.listenFutureKey = response.listenKey; setTimeout( function userDataKeepAlive() { // keepalive try { apiRequest( url + 'v1/listenKey?listenKey=' + Binance.options.listenFutureKey, {}, function ( err ) { if ( err ) setTimeout( userDataKeepAlive, 60000 ); // retry in 1 minute else setTimeout( userDataKeepAlive, 60 * 30 * 1000 ); // 30 minute keepalive }, 'PUT' ); } catch ( error ) { setTimeout( userDataKeepAlive, 60000 ); // retry in 1 minute } }, 60 * 30 * 1000 ); // 30 minute keepalive