jaggedsoft / node-binance-api

Node Binance API is an asynchronous node.js library for the Binance API designed to be easy to use.
MIT License
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binance cryptocurrency cryptocurrency-exchanges javascript node

⚠ Binance is no longer offering support

Please consider using the new, offically supported Binance library available at: https://github.com/binance/binance-connector-node

Or this community supported library: https://github.com/ViewBlock/binance-api-node

This project is no longer being maintained.

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Node Binance API

This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the Binance API. You can stream candlestick chart data, market depth, or use other advanced features such as setting stop losses and iceberg orders. This project seeks to have complete API coverage including WebSockets.

Futures API & StreamsSpot Trading API & StreamsMargin APILending API

Installation: npm install -s node-binance-api

npm install node-binance-api

Getting started

const Binance = require('node-binance-api');
const binance = new Binance().options({
  APIKEY: '<key>',
  APISECRET: '<secret>'

Binance Futures API

Futures Prices

console.info( await binance.futuresPrices() );

Futures Account Balances & Positions

console.info( await binance.futuresAccount() );

Futures Balances

console.info( await binance.futuresBalance() );

Futures Limit Buy

console.info( await binance.futuresBuy( 'BTCUSDT', 0.1, 8222 ) );

Futures Limit Sell

console.info( await binance.futuresSell( 'BTCUSDT', 0.5, 11111 ) );

Futures Market Buy

console.info( await binance.futuresMarketBuy( 'BNBUSDT', 5 ) );

Futures Market Sell

console.info( await binance.futuresMarketSell( 'TRXUSDT', 1 ) );

Futures Place Multiple Orders

let orders = [
  side: "BUY",
  type: "MARKET",
  quantity: "0.01",
  side: "SELL",
  type: "MARKET",
  quantity: "0.5",
console.info( await binance.futuresMultipleOrders(orders) );

Futures Market Orders: Get the fill price using newOrderRespType

console.info( await binance.futuresMarketBuy( 'BNBUSDT', amount, { newOrderRespType: 'RESULT' } ) );

Futures reduceOnly Order Example

if ( side == 'LONG' ) order = await binance.futuresMarketSell( obj.symbol, amount, {reduceOnly: true} )
else order = await binance.futuresMarketBuy( obj.symbol, amount, {reduceOnly: true} )

Get Futures Positions

console.info( await binance.futuresPositionRisk() );
View Example ```js let position_data = await binance.futuresPositionRisk(), markets = Object.keys( position_data ); for ( let market of markets ) { let obj = position_data[market], size = Number( obj.positionAmt ); if ( size == 0 ) continue; console.info( `${leverage}x\t${market}\t${obj.unRealizedProfit}` ); //console.info( obj ); //positionAmt entryPrice markPrice unRealizedProfit liquidationPrice leverage marginType isolatedMargin isAutoAddMargin maxNotionalValue } ```

Adjust Leverage (1-125x)

console.info( await binance.futuresLeverage( 'ETHUSDT', 50 ) );

Adjust Margin Type (ISOLATED, CROSSED)

console.info( await binance.futuresMarginType( 'BTCUSDT', 'ISOLATED' ) );

Adjust Position Margin

// Type: 1: Add postion margin,2: Reduce postion margin
console.info( await binance.futuresPositionMargin( "TRXUSDT", amount, type ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresTime() );
console.info( await binance.futuresExchangeInfo() );
console.info( await binance.futuresCandles( "TRXUSDT", "1m" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresDepth( "ADAUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresQuote() );
console.info( await binance.futuresQuote( "BCHUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresDaily() );
console.info( await binance.futuresOpenInterest( "BTCUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresMarkPrice() );
console.info( await binance.futuresMarkPrice( "ETHUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresTrades( "LTCUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresAggTrades( "XTZUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresLiquidationOrders() );
console.info( await binance.futuresFundingRate() );
console.info( await binance.futuresHistoricalTrades( "XMRUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresLeverageBracket( "LINKUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresIncome() );
console.info( await binance.futuresCancelAll( "BTCUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresCancel( "BTCUSDT", {orderId: "1025137386"} ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresCountdownCancelAll( "BTCUSDT", 45000 ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresOrderStatus( "BTCUSDT", {orderId: "1025137386"} ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresOpenOrders() );
console.info( await binance.futuresOpenOrders( "BTCUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresAllOrders() );
console.info( await binance.futuresAllOrders( "BTCUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresUserTrades( "BTCUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.futuresGetDataStream() );
console.info( await binance.futuresPositionMarginHistory( "TRXUSDT" ) );
console.info( await binance.promiseRequest( 'v1/time' ) );
// Batch orders, remaining WebSocket streams, and better documentation will be come later

Futures Historical Bulk Data Download API

Get Download ID
console.info( await binance.futuresHistDataId(
  "BTCUSDT", {
    startTime: new Date().getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
    endTime: new Date().getTime(),
    dataType: 'T_TRADE'
  } )
Get Download Link
console.info( await binance.futuresDownloadLink(7343) )

Futures WebSocket Streams

Futures miniTicker stream for all symbols

binance.futuresMiniTickerStream( miniTicker => {
    console.info( miniTicker );
} );

Futures miniTicker stream for a symbol

binance.futuresMiniTickerStream( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Futures bookTicker stream for all symbols

binance.futuresBookTickerStream( console.log );

Futures bookTicker stream for a symbol

binance.futuresBookTickerStream( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Futures prevDay ticker stream for all symbols

binance.futuresTickerStream( console.log );

Futures prevDay ticker stream for a symbol

binance.futuresTickerStream( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Futures mark price stream for all symbols

binance.futuresMarkPriceStream( console.log );

Futures mark price stream for a symbol

binance.futuresMarkPriceStream( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Futures aggregate trade stream for a symbol

binance.futuresAggTradeStream( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Futures complete chart cache

binance.futuresChart( 'BTCUSDT', '1m', console.log );

Futures Liquidation Stream for all symbols

binance.futuresLiquidationStream( console.log );

Futures Liquidation Stream for a symbol

binance.futuresLiquidationStream( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Connect to a custom endpoint. Easier shortcut functions will come later

binance.futuresSubscribe( 'btcusdt@kline_4h', console.log );

Terminate an existing socket

binance.futuresTerminate( 'btcusdt@kline_4h' );

Return active sockets and subscriptions

console.log( binance.futuresSubscriptions() );

Delivery API (Futures w/Expiration Date)


Binance API (Spot Trading)

Getting latest price of all symbols

let ticker = await binance.prices();
console.info(`Price of BNB: ${ticker.BNBUSDT}`);

Getting latest price of a symbol

binance.prices('BNBBTC', (error, ticker) => {
  console.info("Price of BNB: ", ticker.BNBBTC);
View Response ```js { ETHBTC: '0.07003500', LTCBTC: '0.01176700', BNBBTC: '0.00035735', NEOBTC: '0.00809500', QTUMETH: '0.03851200', EOSETH: '0.00189600', SNTETH: '0.00008595', BNTETH: '0.00738800', BCCBTC: '0.08104000', GASBTC: '0.00629800', BNBETH: '0.00509495', BTMETH: '0.00018900', HCCBTC: '0.00000180', BTCUSDT: '4464.44000000', ETHUSDT: '312.89000000', HSRBTC: '0.00289000', OAXETH: '0.00180000', DNTETH: '0.00014190', MCOETH: '0.02358300', ICNETH: '0.00557000', ELCBTC: '0.00000053', MCOBTC: '0.00166900', WTCBTC: '0.00184138', WTCETH: '0.02601700', LLTBTC: '0.00001669', LRCBTC: '0.00001100', LRCETH: '0.00016311', QTUMBTC: '0.00271600', YOYOBTC: '0.00000481', OMGBTC: '0.00187800', OMGETH: '0.02677400', ZRXBTC: '0.00004319', ZRXETH: '0.00060800', STRATBTC: '0.00087800', STRATETH: '0.01218800', SNGLSBTC: '0.00003649', SNGLSETH: '0.00051280', BQXBTC: '0.00013150', BQXETH: '0.00184240', KNCBTC: '0.00038969', KNCETH: '0.00550320', FUNBTC: '0.00000573', FUNETH: '0.00008433', SNMBTC: '0.00003176', SNMETH: '0.00047119', NEOETH: '0.11500200', IOTABTC: '0.00012136', IOTAETH: '0.00171001', LINKBTC: '0.00010646', LINKETH: '0.00150999', XVGBTC: '0.00000145', XVGETH: '0.00002059', CTRBTC: '0.00025532', CTRETH: '0.00375180', SALTBTC: '0.00080100', SALTETH: '0.01140000', MDABTC: '0.00057002', MDAETH: '0.00819490' } //Price of BNB: 0.00035735 ```

Getting list of current balances

binance.balance((error, balances) => {
  if ( error ) return console.error(error);
  console.info("balances()", balances);
  console.info("ETH balance: ", balances.ETH.available);
// If you have problems with this function,
// see Troubleshooting at the bottom of this page.
View Response ```js { BTC: { available: '0.77206464', onOrder: '0.00177975' }, LTC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, ETH: { available: '1.14109900', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, BNC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, ICO: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, NEO: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, BNB: { available: '41.33761879', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, QTUM: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, EOS: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, SNT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, BNT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, GAS: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, BCC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, BTM: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, USDT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, HCC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, HSR: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, OAX: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, DNT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, MCO: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, ICN: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, ELC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, PAY: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, ZRX: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, OMG: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, WTC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, LRX: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, YOYO: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, LRC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, LLT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, TRX: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, FID: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, SNGLS: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, STRAT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, BQX: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, FUN: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, KNC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, CDT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, XVG: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, IOTA: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, SNM: { available: '0.76352833', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, LINK: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, CVC: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, TNT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, REP: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, CTR: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, MDA: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, MTL: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, SALT: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' }, NULS: { available: '0.00000000', onOrder: '0.00000000' } } //ETH balance: 1.14109900 ```

Getting bid/ask prices for a symbol

binance.bookTickers('BNBBTC', (error, ticker) => {
  console.info("bookTickers", ticker);
View Response ```js { "symbol": "BNBBTC", "bidPrice": "4.00000000", "bidQty": "431.00000000", "askPrice": "4.00000200", "askQty": "9.00000000" } // from: https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-official-api-docs/blob/master/rest-api.md#symbol-order-book-ticker ```

Getting bid/ask prices for all symbols

binance.bookTickers((error, ticker) => {
  console.info("bookTickers()", ticker);
  console.info("Price of BNB: ", ticker.BNBBTC);
View Response ```js { ETHBTC: { bid: '0.06201000', bids: '1.28200000', ask: '0.06201300', asks: '0.34200000' }, LTCBTC: { bid: '0.01042000', bids: '41.45000000', ask: '0.01048700', asks: '16.81000000' }, BNBBTC: { bid: '0.00028754', bids: '727.00000000', ask: '0.00028755', asks: '400.00000000' }, NEOBTC: { bid: '0.00601800', bids: '16.82000000', ask: '0.00603700', asks: '73.43000000' }, QTUMETH: { bid: '0.04062900', bids: '1.30000000', ask: '0.04075300', asks: '0.58000000' }, EOSETH: { bid: '0.00191400', bids: '202.53000000', ask: '0.00192500', asks: '26.08000000' }, SNTETH: { bid: '0.00007610', bids: '403.00000000', ask: '0.00007638', asks: '19850.00000000' }, BNTETH: { bid: '0.00736800', bids: '7.82000000', ask: '0.00745900', asks: '177.32000000' }, BCCBTC: { bid: '0.06862000', bids: '1.56100000', ask: '0.06893600', asks: '0.81100000' }, GASBTC: { bid: '0.00451700', bids: '44.00000000', ask: '0.00489700', asks: '44.95000000' }, BNBETH: { bid: '0.00462592', bids: '32.00000000', ask: '0.00467982', asks: '57.00000000' }, BTMETH: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, HCCBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, BTCUSDT: { bid: '4786.01000000', bids: '0.58627700', ask: '4796.10000000', asks: '0.28486400' }, ETHUSDT: { bid: '297.01000000', bids: '7.17846000', ask: '297.90000000', asks: '0.30742000' }, HSRBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, OAXETH: { bid: '0.00156200', bids: '96.00000000', ask: '0.00169900', asks: '552.90000000' }, DNTETH: { bid: '0.00011782', bids: '1273.00000000', ask: '0.00012045', asks: '238.00000000' }, MCOETH: { bid: '0.02651200', bids: '0.94000000', ask: '0.02681200', asks: '8.59000000' }, ICNETH: { bid: '0.00484600', bids: '448.76000000', ask: '0.00490000', asks: '0.01000000' }, ELCBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, MCOBTC: { bid: '0.00164600', bids: '1.00000000', ask: '0.00164700', asks: '12.11000000' }, WTCBTC: { bid: '0.00132101', bids: '124.00000000', ask: '0.00133200', asks: '98.00000000' }, WTCETH: { bid: '0.02130000', bids: '784.35000000', ask: '0.02140800', asks: '10.70000000' }, LLTBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, LRCBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, LRCETH: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, QTUMBTC: { bid: '0.00252800', bids: '123.48000000', ask: '0.00253200', asks: '10.50000000' }, YOYOBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, OMGBTC: { bid: '0.00164900', bids: '25.94000000', ask: '0.00166400', asks: '0.90000000' }, OMGETH: { bid: '0.02660000', bids: '9.86000000', ask: '0.02698200', asks: '43.21000000' }, ZRXBTC: { bid: '0.00003936', bids: '117.00000000', ask: '0.00003982', asks: '8596.00000000' }, ZRXETH: { bid: '0.00062801', bids: '239.00000000', ask: '0.00063595', asks: '2446.00000000' }, STRATBTC: { bid: '0.00070600', bids: '43.43000000', ask: '0.00070900', asks: '15.00000000' }, STRATETH: { bid: '0.01092100', bids: '9.00000000', ask: '0.01162700', asks: '47.90000000' }, SNGLSBTC: { bid: '0.00003162', bids: '366.00000000', ask: '0.00003183', asks: '308.00000000' }, SNGLSETH: { bid: '0.00050064', bids: '300.00000000', ask: '0.00051543', asks: '64.00000000' }, BQXBTC: { bid: '0.00013334', bids: '13.00000000', ask: '0.00013889', asks: '1224.00000000' }, BQXETH: { bid: '0.00200740', bids: '990.00000000', ask: '0.00228890', asks: '80.00000000' }, KNCBTC: { bid: '0.00029509', bids: '300.00000000', ask: '0.00029842', asks: '4.00000000' }, KNCETH: { bid: '0.00481840', bids: '411.00000000', ask: '0.00484440', asks: '10.00000000' }, FUNBTC: { bid: '0.00000461', bids: '217.00000000', ask: '0.00000465', asks: '16668.00000000' }, FUNETH: { bid: '0.00007486', bids: '2004.00000000', ask: '0.00007617', asks: '1419.00000000' }, SNMBTC: { bid: '0.00002462', bids: '6922.00000000', ask: '0.00002495', asks: '404.00000000' }, SNMETH: { bid: '0.00040181', bids: '373.00000000', ask: '0.00043404', asks: '9281.00000000' }, NEOETH: { bid: '0.09610400', bids: '8.02000000', ask: '0.09891100', asks: '5.00000000' }, IOTABTC: { bid: '0.00009674', bids: '206.00000000', ask: '0.00009721', asks: '269.00000000' }, IOTAETH: { bid: '0.00155061', bids: '1231.00000000', ask: '0.00158100', asks: '22.00000000' }, LINKBTC: { bid: '0.00007670', bids: '2278.00000000', ask: '0.00007697', asks: '8000.00000000' }, LINKETH: { bid: '0.00123000', bids: '3492.00000000', ask: '0.00123999', asks: '4000.00000000' }, XVGBTC: { bid: '0.00000111', bids: '47758.00000000', ask: '0.00000113', asks: '215443.00000000' }, XVGETH: { bid: '0.00001801', bids: '8329.00000000', ask: '0.00001842', asks: '85146.00000000' }, CTRBTC: { bid: '0.00019801', bids: '650.00000000', ask: '0.00021103', asks: '49.00000000' }, CTRETH: { bid: '0.00320200', bids: '538.00000000', ask: '0.00351990', asks: '2081.00000000' }, SALTBTC: { bid: '0.00063900', bids: '57.13000000', ask: '0.00064000', asks: '96.48000000' }, SALTETH: { bid: '0.01030200', bids: '728.27000000', ask: '0.01038900', asks: '0.04000000' }, MDABTC: { bid: '0.00039031', bids: '282.00000000', ask: '0.00039994', asks: '540.00000000' }, MDAETH: { bid: '0.00635500', bids: '432.00000000', ask: '0.00641990', asks: '185.00000000' }, MTLBTC: { bid: '0.00145500', bids: '45.00000000', ask: '0.00145600', asks: '42.12000000' }, MTLETH: { bid: '0.02300100', bids: '96.10000000', ask: '0.02477400', asks: '131.90000000' }, SUBBTC: { bid: '0.00003250', bids: '4474.00000000', ask: '0.00003380', asks: '3878.00000000' }, SUBETH: { bid: '0.00053000', bids: '740.00000000', ask: '0.00053501', asks: '580.00000000' } } /* Price of BNB: { bid: '0.00028754', bids: '727.00000000', ask: '0.00028755', asks: '400.00000000' } */ ```

Get all bid/ask prices

binance.bookTickers((error, ticker) => {
  console.info("bookTickers", ticker);
View Response ```js { ETHBTC: { bid: '0.06187700', bids: '0.64000000', ask: '0.06188300', asks: '6.79700000' }, LTCBTC: { bid: '0.01036000', bids: '14.96000000', ask: '0.01037000', asks: '0.60000000' }, BNBBTC: { bid: '0.00028226', bids: '802.00000000', ask: '0.00028268', asks: '584.00000000' }, NEOBTC: { bid: '0.00595600', bids: '33.00000000', ask: '0.00595900', asks: '37.00000000' }, QTUMETH: { bid: '0.03958000', bids: '1.42000000', ask: '0.04024300', asks: '7.46000000' }, EOSETH: { bid: '0.00192600', bids: '29.31000000', ask: '0.00193500', asks: '418.91000000' }, SNTETH: { bid: '0.00007607', bids: '8864.00000000', ask: '0.00007682', asks: '1311.00000000' }, BNTETH: { bid: '0.00740200', bids: '1.36000000', ask: '0.00746800', asks: '419.86000000' }, BCCBTC: { bid: '0.06786500', bids: '0.18600000', ask: '0.06835400', asks: '0.72600000' }, GASBTC: { bid: '0.00435500', bids: '332.73000000', ask: '0.00435600', asks: '18.31000000' }, BNBETH: { bid: '0.00456443', bids: '4.00000000', ask: '0.00461795', asks: '192.00000000' }, BTMETH: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, HCCBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, BTCUSDT: { bid: '4801.05000000', bids: '0.82289400', ask: '4812.00000000', asks: '1.04753200' }, ETHUSDT: { bid: '296.32000000', bids: '3.24294000', ask: '297.81000000', asks: '17.69901000' }, HSRBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, OAXETH: { bid: '0.00154500', bids: '422.64000000', ask: '0.00169200', asks: '159.94000000' }, DNTETH: { bid: '0.00012059', bids: '434.00000000', ask: '0.00012100', asks: '8311.00000000' }, MCOETH: { bid: '0.02566000', bids: '5.85000000', ask: '0.02651200', asks: '4.37000000' }, ICNETH: { bid: '0.00489000', bids: '232.97000000', ask: '0.00500000', asks: '0.01000000' }, ELCBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, MCOBTC: { bid: '0.00162700', bids: '2.87000000', ask: '0.00163800', asks: '0.70000000' }, WTCBTC: { bid: '0.00129604', bids: '600.00000000', ask: '0.00131600', asks: '1.00000000' }, WTCETH: { bid: '0.02080000', bids: '30.00000000', ask: '0.02097600', asks: '24.00000000' }, LLTBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, LRCBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, LRCETH: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, QTUMBTC: { bid: '0.00245100', bids: '43.11000000', ask: '0.00248500', asks: '74.96000000' }, YOYOBTC: { bid: '0.00000000', bids: '0.00000000', ask: '0.00000000', asks: '0.00000000' }, OMGBTC: { bid: '0.00160700', bids: '300.00000000', ask: '0.00161300', asks: '36.05000000' }, OMGETH: { bid: '0.02597100', bids: '4.92000000', ask: '0.02633200', asks: '19.00000000' }, ZRXBTC: { bid: '0.00003852', bids: '9.00000000', ask: '0.00003912', asks: '103.00000000' }, ZRXETH: { bid: '0.00062997', bids: '645.00000000', ask: '0.00062998', asks: '5376.00000000' }, STRATBTC: { bid: '0.00069200', bids: '50.50000000', ask: '0.00070000', asks: '6.54000000' }, STRATETH: { bid: '0.01080400', bids: '5.00000000', ask: '0.01200000', asks: '5.88000000' }, SNGLSBTC: { bid: '0.00003121', bids: '726.00000000', ask: '0.00003161', asks: '153.00000000' }, SNGLSETH: { bid: '0.00046686', bids: '4782.00000000', ask: '0.00051906', asks: '32.00000000' }, BQXBTC: { bid: '0.00011512', bids: '87.00000000', ask: '0.00011840', asks: '133.00000000' }, BQXETH: { bid: '0.00183080', bids: '1051.00000000', ask: '0.00195000', asks: '626.00000000' }, KNCBTC: { bid: '0.00027859', bids: '7.00000000', ask: '0.00028462', asks: '35.00000000' }, KNCETH: { bid: '0.00452830', bids: '13.00000000', ask: '0.00454970', asks: '35.00000000' }, FUNBTC: { bid: '0.00000464', bids: '753.00000000', ask: '0.00000465', asks: '13924.00000000' }, FUNETH: { bid: '0.00007126', bids: '44131.00000000', ask: '0.00007617', asks: '1419.00000000' }, SNMBTC: { bid: '0.00002489', bids: '564.00000000', ask: '0.00002559', asks: '2553.00000000' }, SNMETH: { bid: '0.00040060', bids: '374.00000000', ask: '0.00041494', asks: '7624.00000000' }, NEOETH: { bid: '0.09604700', bids: '22.05000000', ask: '0.09800000', asks: '0.31000000' }, IOTABTC: { bid: '0.00009515', bids: '3.00000000', ask: '0.00009529', asks: '147.00000000' }, IOTAETH: { bid: '0.00150002', bids: '4311.00000000', ask: '0.00155216', asks: '7.00000000' }, LINKBTC: { bid: '0.00007601', bids: '4337.00000000', ask: '0.00007630', asks: '525.00000000' }, LINKETH: { bid: '0.00121903', bids: '3784.00000000', ask: '0.00122965', asks: '200.00000000' }, XVGBTC: { bid: '0.00000113', bids: '470101.00000000', ask: '0.00000114', asks: '147728.00000000' }, XVGETH: { bid: '0.00001813', bids: '8274.00000000', ask: '0.00001843', asks: '8320.00000000' }, CTRBTC: { bid: '0.00020202', bids: '625.00000000', ask: '0.00020649', asks: '1143.00000000' }, CTRETH: { bid: '0.00330510', bids: '387.00000000', ask: '0.00339330', asks: '436.00000000' }, SALTBTC: { bid: '0.00063500', bids: '76.00000000', ask: '0.00064300', asks: '437.54000000' }, SALTETH: { bid: '0.01014200', bids: '202.79000000', ask: '0.01122600', asks: '1.36000000' }, MDABTC: { bid: '0.00038061', bids: '8.00000000', ask: '0.00041300', asks: '1772.00000000' }, MDAETH: { bid: '0.00655000', bids: '547.00000000', ask: '0.00660830', asks: '8814.00000000' }, MTLBTC: { bid: '0.00140600', bids: '0.11000000', ask: '0.00143800', asks: '12.00000000' }, MTLETH: { bid: '0.02300000', bids: '1166.86000000', ask: '0.02489500', asks: '13.98000000' }, SUBBTC: { bid: '0.00003580', bids: '7617.00000000', ask: '0.00003619', asks: '1052.00000000' }, SUBETH: { bid: '0.00056500', bids: '3649.00000000', ask: '0.00059988', asks: '3649.00000000' } } ```

Get market depth for a symbol

binance.depth("BNBBTC", (error, depth, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" market depth", depth);
View Response ```js market depth for BNBBTC { bids: { '0.00022997': '49.00000000', '0.00022867': '11.00000000', '0.00022865': '1149.00000000', '0.00022810': '20.00000000', '0.00022800': '1000.00000000', '0.00022777': '1350.00000000', '0.00022774': '96.00000000', '0.00022765': '5.00000000', '0.00022741': '12.00000000', '0.00022705': '1372.00000000', '0.00022700': '402.00000000', '0.00022514': '756.00000000', '0.00022513': '761.00000000', '0.00022502': '2244.00000000', '0.00022501': '2190.00000000', '0.00022500': '5069.00000000', '0.00022419': '1871.00000000', '0.00022418': '1667.00000000', '0.00022167': '1889.00000000', '0.00022162': '1014.00000000', '0.00022112': '13563.00000000', '0.00022078': '4056.00000000', '0.00022000': '8060.00000000', '0.00021963': '13563.00000000', '0.00021850': '52.00000000', '0.00021800': '1282.00000000', '0.00021710': '102.00000000', '0.00021680': '100.00000000', '0.00021652': '29.00000000', '0.00021641': '154.00000000', '0.00021500': '1491.00000000', '0.00021471': '977.00000000', '0.00021405': '478.00000000', '0.00021400': '11.00000000', '0.00021314': '686.00000000', '0.00021219': '1089.00000000', '0.00021200': '767.00000000', '0.00021100': '5000.00000000', '0.00021011': '50.00000000', '0.00021000': '3468.00000000', '0.00020900': '169.00000000', '0.00020843': '90.00000000', '0.00020811': '200.00000000', '0.00020702': '50.00000000', '0.00020691': '283.00000000', '0.00020600': '3703.00000000', '0.00020500': '107.00000000', '0.00020450': '6363.00000000', '0.00020250': '301.00000000', '0.00020222': '200.00000000', '0.00020200': '123.00000000', '0.00020137': '50.00000000', '0.00020122': '727.00000000', '0.00020100': '6400.00000000', '0.00020088': '10.00000000', '0.00020020': '793.00000000', '0.00020010': '500.00000000', '0.00020009': '44.00000000', '0.00020001': '20020.00000000', '0.00020000': '45269.00000000', '0.00019990': '270.00000000', '0.00019880': '2117.00000000', '0.00019800': '1200.00000000', '0.00019783': '50.00000000', '0.00019702': '300.00000000', '0.00019686': '10.00000000', '0.00019600': '1025.00000000', '0.00019595': '139.00000000', '0.00019501': '3227.00000000', '0.00019500': '3832.00000000', '0.00019488': '82.00000000', '0.00019400': '1853.00000000', '0.00019293': '10.00000000', '0.00019289': '30.00000000', '0.00019234': '1999.00000000', '0.00019200': '4765.00000000', '0.00019190': '6.00000000', '0.00019100': '4353.00000000', '0.00019073': '12.00000000', '0.00019058': '28.00000000', '0.00019050': '718.00000000', '0.00019001': '20.00000000', '0.00019000': '39478.00000000', '0.00018907': '10.00000000', '0.00018888': '10045.00000000', '0.00018880': '15.00000000', '0.00018800': '3528.00000000', '0.00018700': '328.00000000', '0.00018600': '1000.00000000', '0.00018598': '2187.00000000', '0.00018538': '1383.00000000', '0.00018529': '10.00000000', '0.00018500': '1512.00000000', '0.00018253': '30.00000000', '0.00018200': '3000.00000000', '0.00018158': '10.00000000', '0.00018106': '250.00000000', '0.00018100': '4577.00000000', '0.00018011': '500.00000000', '0.00018000': '29832.00000000' }, asks: { '0.00022999': '32.00000000', '0.00023086': '583.00000000', '0.00023095': '1154.00000000', '0.00023119': '781.00000000', '0.00023120': '3401.00000000', '0.00023180': '4889.00000000', '0.00023185': '83.00000000', '0.00023211': '750.00000000', '0.00023339': '9273.00000000', '0.00023340': '474.00000000', '0.00023440': '500.00000000', '0.00023450': '1433.00000000', '0.00023500': '1480.00000000', '0.00023573': '87.00000000', '0.00023580': '518.00000000', '0.00023999': '863.00000000', '0.00024000': '275.00000000', '0.00024100': '60.00000000', '0.00024119': '3736.00000000', '0.00024180': '989.00000000', '0.00024350': '1285.00000000', '0.00024399': '500.00000000', '0.00024400': '2964.00000000', '0.00024419': '500.00000000', '0.00024500': '4499.00000000', '0.00024580': '542.00000000', '0.00024584': '6.00000000', '0.00024700': '250.00000000', '0.00024789': '2938.00000000', '0.00024790': '5535.00000000', '0.00024800': '499.00000000', '0.00024892': '2000.00000000', '0.00024920': '652.00000000', '0.00024972': '9242.00000000', '0.00024999': '1262.00000000', '0.00025000': '3739.00000000', '0.00025078': '250.00000000', '0.00025348': '1000.00000000', '0.00025499': '220.00000000', '0.00025500': '6029.00000000', '0.00025518': '10.00000000', '0.00025698': '17.00000000', '0.00025700': '250.00000000', '0.00025800': '265.00000000', '0.00025925': '20.00000000', '0.00025984': '1048.00000000', '0.00025985': '1048.00000000', '0.00025987': '1165.00000000', '0.00025990': '465.00000000', '0.00025994': '571.00000000', '0.00025995': '390.00000000', '0.00026000': '5033.00000000', '0.00026028': '10.00000000', '0.00026280': '40.00000000', '0.00026300': '13.00000000', '0.00026348': '50.00000000', '0.00026500': '38.00000000', '0.00026548': '10.00000000', '0.00026594': '51.00000000', '0.00026666': '15000.00000000', '0.00026700': '500.00000000', '0.00026800': '27.00000000', '0.00026900': '1000.00000000', '0.00026929': '50.00000000', '0.00026990': '270.00000000', '0.00027000': '8750.00000000', '0.00027199': '50.00000000', '0.00027300': '351.00000000', '0.00027429': '50.00000000', '0.00027480': '270.00000000', '0.00027500': '38.00000000', '0.00027690': '242.00000000', '0.00027700': '500.00000000', '0.00027789': '1317.00000000', '0.00027906': '1457.00000000', '0.00027912': '98.00000000', '0.00027949': '50.00000000', '0.00027950': '2000.00000000', '0.00027977': '96.00000000', '0.00027980': '1031.00000000', '0.00028000': '782.00000000', '0.00028300': '25.00000000', '0.00028500': '48.00000000', '0.00028590': '364.00000000', '0.00028680': '50.00000000', '0.00028699': '50.00000000', '0.00028700': '1600.00000000', '0.00028800': '3509.00000000', '0.00028890': '175.00000000', '0.00028900': '11474.00000000', '0.00028999': '10000.00000000', '0.00029000': '623.00000000', '0.00029100': '303.00000000', '0.00029141': '456.00000000', '0.00029200': '9999.00000000', '0.00029234': '104.00000000', '0.00029300': '200.00000000', '0.00029358': '325.00000000', '0.00029399': '153.00000000', '0.00029428': '100.00000000' } } ```

Placing a LIMIT order

let quantity = 1, price = 0.069;
binance.buy("ETHBTC", quantity, price);
binance.sell("ETHBTC", quantity, price);

Placing a MARKET order

// These orders will be executed at current market price.
let quantity = 1;
binance.marketBuy("BNBBTC", quantity);
binance.marketSell("ETHBTC", quantity);

LIMIT order with callback

let quantity = 5, price = 0.00402030;
binance.buy("BNBETH", quantity, price, {type:'LIMIT'}, (error, response) => {
  console.info("Limit Buy response", response);
  console.info("order id: " + response.orderId);
View Response ``` Limit Buy response { symbol: 'BNBETH', orderId: 4480717, clientOrderId: 'te38xGILZUXrPZHnTQPH6h', transactTime: 1509049732437, price: '0.00402030', origQty: '5.00000000', executedQty: '5.00000000', status: 'FILLED', timeInForce: 'GTC', type: 'LIMIT', side: 'BUY' } //order id: 4480717 ```

Chaining orders together

let quantity = 1;
binance.marketBuy("BNBBTC", quantity, (error, response) => {
  console.info("Market Buy response", response);
  console.info("order id: " + response.orderId);
  // Now you can limit sell with a stop loss, etc.
View Response ``` Market Buy response { symbol: 'BNBETH', orderId: 4480553, clientOrderId: 'rCGiCG08PGy7AwvbrG5d83', transactTime: 1509049376261, price: '0.00000000', origQty: '1.00000000', executedQty: '1.00000000', status: 'FILLED', timeInForce: 'GTC', type: 'MARKET', side: 'BUY' } //order id: 4480553 ```

Placing a STOP LOSS order

// When the stop is reached, a stop order becomes a market order
// Note: You must also pass one of these type parameters:
let type = "STOP_LOSS";
let quantity = 1;
let price = 0.069;
let stopPrice = 0.068;
binance.sell("ETHBTC", quantity, price, {stopPrice: stopPrice, type: type});

Placing an ICEBERG order

// Iceberg orders are intended to conceal the order quantity.
let quantity = 1;
let price = 0.069;
binance.sell("ETHBTC", quantity, price, {icebergQty: 10});

Cancel an order

binance.cancel("ETHBTC", orderid, (error, response, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" cancel response:", response);

Cancel all open orders

console.info( await binance.cancelAll("XMRBTC") );

Get open orders for a symbol

binance.openOrders("ETHBTC", (error, openOrders, symbol) => {
  console.info("openOrders("+symbol+")", openOrders);

Get list of all open orders

binance.openOrders(false, (error, openOrders) => {
  console.info("openOrders()", openOrders);

Check an order's status

let orderid = "7610385";
binance.orderStatus("ETHBTC", orderid, (error, orderStatus, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" order status:", orderStatus);

Get your Trade History

binance.trades("SNMBTC", (error, trades, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" trade history", trades);
View Response ```js [ { id: 9572, orderId: 47884, price: '0.00003701', qty: '1467.00000000', commission: '0.06774660', commissionAsset: 'BNB', time: 1507062500456, isBuyer: true, isMaker: true, isBestMatch: true }, { id: 9575, orderId: 47884, price: '0.00003701', qty: '735.00000000', commission: '0.03394257', commissionAsset: 'BNB', time: 1507062502528, isBuyer: true, isMaker: true, isBestMatch: true } } ] ```

Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.

binance.allOrders("ETHBTC", (error, orders, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" orders:", orders);

Get dust log

binance.dustLog((error, dustlog) => {

Get 24hr ticker price change statistics for all symbols

binance.prevDay(false, (error, prevDay) => {
  // console.info(prevDay); // view all data
  for ( let obj of prevDay ) {
    let symbol = obj.symbol;
    console.info(symbol+" volume:"+obj.volume+" change: "+obj.priceChangePercent+"%");

Get 24hr ticker price change statistics for a symbol

binance.prevDay("BNBBTC", (error, prevDay, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" previous day:", prevDay);
  console.info("BNB change since yesterday: "+prevDay.priceChangePercent+"%")

Get Kline/candlestick data for a symbol

You can use the optional API parameters for getting historical candlesticks, these are useful if you want to import data from earlier back in time. Optional parameters: limit (max/default 500), startTime, endTime.

// Intervals: 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
binance.candlesticks("BNBBTC", "5m", (error, ticks, symbol) => {
  console.info("candlesticks()", ticks);
  let last_tick = ticks[ticks.length - 1];
  let [time, open, high, low, close, volume, closeTime, assetVolume, trades, buyBaseVolume, buyAssetVolume, ignored] = last_tick;
  console.info(symbol+" last close: "+close);
}, {limit: 500, endTime: 1514764800000});

WebSockets Implementation

Get Complete WebSocket Chart Cache

This function pulls existing chart data before connecting to the WebSocket, and provides you realtime synchronized chart information including the most recent 500 candles.

binance.websockets.chart("BNBBTC", "1m", (symbol, interval, chart) => {
  let tick = binance.last(chart);
  const last = chart[tick].close;
  // Optionally convert 'chart' object to array:
  // let ohlc = binance.ohlc(chart);
  // console.info(symbol, ohlc);
  console.info(symbol+" last price: "+last)
View Response ``` { '1517557800000': { open: '0.00100090', high: '0.00100650', low: '0.00099810', close: '0.00100370', volume: '1161.52000000' }, '1517557860000': { open: '0.00100360', high: '0.00101010', low: '0.00100000', close: '0.00100310', volume: '1977.68000000' }, '1517557920000': { open: '0.00100100', high: '0.00101130', low: '0.00100080', close: '0.00100670', volume: '2002.00000000' }, '1517557980000': { open: '0.00100660', high: '0.00101400', low: '0.00100200', close: '0.00100640', volume: '3896.40000000' }, '1517558040000': { open: '0.00100630', high: '0.00101390', low: '0.00100350', close: '0.00100470', volume: '1675.48000000' }, '1517558100000': { open: '0.00100860', high: '0.00101450', low: '0.00100100', close: '0.00100270', volume: '1918.46000000' }, '1517558160000': { open: '0.00100460', high: '0.00101480', low: '0.00100310', close: '0.00100670', volume: '2464.12000000' }, '1517558220000': { open: '0.00100510', high: '0.00100660', low: '0.00100110', close: '0.00100250', volume: '1484.59000000' } } // (..many more entries not shown) ///BNBBTC last price: 0.00100250 ```

Get Candlestick Updates via WebSocket

// Periods: 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
binance.websockets.candlesticks(['BNBBTC'], "1m", (candlesticks) => {
  let { e:eventType, E:eventTime, s:symbol, k:ticks } = candlesticks;
  let { o:open, h:high, l:low, c:close, v:volume, n:trades, i:interval, x:isFinal, q:quoteVolume, V:buyVolume, Q:quoteBuyVolume } = ticks;
  console.info(symbol+" "+interval+" candlestick update");
  console.info("open: "+open);
  console.info("high: "+high);
  console.info("low: "+low);
  console.info("close: "+close);
  console.info("volume: "+volume);
  console.info("isFinal: "+isFinal);

Get Trade Updates via WebSocket

binance.websockets.trades(['BNBBTC', 'ETHBTC'], (trades) => {
  let {e:eventType, E:eventTime, s:symbol, p:price, q:quantity, m:maker, a:tradeId} = trades;
  console.info(symbol+" trade update. price: "+price+", quantity: "+quantity+", maker: "+maker);

Get miniTicker via WebSocket

binance.websockets.miniTicker(markets => {
View Response ``` ICXBNB: { close: '0.34803000', open: '0.34249000', high: '0.35000000', low: '0.31001000', volume: '134681.88000000', quoteVolume: '44351.78363150', eventTime: 1520501508957 }, ELFETH: { close: '0.00120820', open: '0.00132816', high: '0.00132926', low: '0.00115888', volume: '852919.00000000', quoteVolume: '1045.37831133', eventTime: 1520501508735 }, PIVXBTC: { close: '0.00049510', open: '0.00051000', high: '0.00056290', low: '0.00049200', volume: '215530.27000000', quoteVolume: '111.50245426', eventTime: 1520501508367 } ```

Get 24hr Price Change Statistics via WebSocket

// For all symbols:
binance.websockets.prevDay(false, (error, response) => {

// For a specific symbol:
binance.websockets.prevDay('BNBBTC', (error, response) => {
View Response ``` { eventType: '24hrTicker', eventTime: 1512629577435, symbol: 'BNBBTC', priceChange: '-0.00002671', percentChange: '-12.844', averagePrice: '0.00019282', prevClose: '0.00020796', close: '0.00018125', closeQty: '55.00000000', bestBid: '0.00018038', bestBidQty: '580.00000000', bestAsk: '0.00018125', bestAskQty: '144.00000000', open: '0.00020796', high: '0.00021300', low: '0.00017555', volume: '3731915.00000000', quoteVolume: '719.59011818', openTime: 1512543177433, closeTime: 1512629577433, firstTradeId: 2248079, lastTradeId: 2284725, numTrades: 36647 } ```

Get Market Depth via WebSocket

binance.websockets.depth(['BNBBTC'], (depth) => {
  let {e:eventType, E:eventTime, s:symbol, u:updateId, b:bidDepth, a:askDepth} = depth;
  console.info(symbol+" market depth update");
  console.info(bidDepth, askDepth);

Maintain Market Depth Cache Locally via WebSocket

binance.websockets.depthCache(['BNBBTC'], (symbol, depth) => {
  let bids = binance.sortBids(depth.bids);
  let asks = binance.sortAsks(depth.asks);
  console.info(symbol+" depth cache update");
  console.info("bids", bids);
  console.info("asks", asks);
  console.info("best bid: "+binance.first(bids));
  console.info("best ask: "+binance.first(asks));
  console.info("last updated: " + new Date(depth.eventTime));
View Response ```javascript BNBBTC depth cache update asks { '0.00025400': 0.531114, '0.00025440': 0.2602512, '0.00025469': 0.01400795, '0.00025500': 0.0051, '0.00025555': 0.0245328, '0.00025629': 0.05100171, '0.00025630': 0.0146091, '0.00025642': 0.02230854, '0.00025825': 0.00180775, '0.00025896': 0.21856224, '0.00025927': 0.025927 } bids { '0.00025203': 0.201624, '0.00025202': 0.04838784, '0.00025200': 0.13482, '0.00025195': 0.01385725, '0.00025187': 0.25539618, '0.00025138': 0.012569, '0.00025136': 0.04247984, '0.00025135': 0.0085459, '0.00025100': 0.02259, '0.00025072': 0.012536, '0.00025071': 0.00401136 } //best ask: 0.00025400 //best bid: 0.00025203 //last updated: Thu Apr 18 2019 00:52:49 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) ```

bookTickers stream includes the bid/ask price & amount, for all symbols

binance.websockets.bookTickers( console.log );

bookTickers stream includes the bid/ask price & amount, for a symbol

binance.websockets.bookTickers( 'BTCUSDT', console.log );

Deposit & Withdraw

Get Deposit Address

binance.depositAddress("XMR", (error, response) => {

Get All Deposit History

binance.depositHistory((error, response) => {

Get Deposit History for a specific symbol

binance.depositHistory((error, response) => {
}, "VEN");

Get All Withdraw History

binance.withdrawHistory((error, response) => {

Get Withdraw History for a specific symbol

binance.withdrawHistory((error, response) => {
}, "BTC");

Withdraw with AddressTag

// Required for coins like XMR, XRP, etc.
let address = "44tLjmXrQNrWJ5NBsEj2R77ZBEgDa3fEe9GLpSf2FRmhexPvfYDUAB7EXX1Hdb3aMQ9FLqdJ56yaAhiXoRsceGJCRS3Jxkn";
let addressTag = "0e5e38a01058dbf64e53a4333a5acf98e0d5feb8e523d32e3186c664a9c762c1";
let amount = 0.1;
binance.withdraw("XMR", address, amount, addressTag);


binance.withdraw("BTC", "1C5gqLRs96Xq4V2ZZAR1347yUCpHie7sa", 0.2);

Univeral Transfer / Internal Wallet Transfer

Example Spot account transfer to USDⓈ-M Futures account , use ENUM -> "MAIN_UMFUTURE"

console.info( await binance.universalTransfer("MAIN_UMFUTURE","USDT",10) );

for more account transfers (ENUMs) see docs

Binance Margin API

Transfer from Main account to Margin account

binance.mgTransferMainToMargin(asset, amount, (error, response) => {
    if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
    // Success! Transaction ID: response.tranId

Transfer from Margin account to Main account

binance.mgTransferMarginToMain(asset, amount, (error, response) => {
    if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
    // Success! Transaction ID: response.tranId

Get maximum transfer-out amount from Margin account to Main account

binance.maxTransferable(asset, (error, response) => {
    if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
    console.info(`Maximum transfer-out amount: ${response.amount}`);

Get maximum borrow amount

binance.maxBorrowable(asset, (error, response) => {
    if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
    console.info(`Maximum borrow amount: ${response.amount}`);

Borrow from margin account

binance.mgBorrow(asset, amount, (error, response) => {
    if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
    // Success! Transaction ID: response.tranId

Repay margin account

binance.mgRepay(asset, amount, (error, response) => {
    if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
    // Success! Transaction ID: response.tranId

Margin BUY and SELL orders

Instead of binance.buy() use binance.mgBuy() and instead of binance.sell() use binance.mgSell().

For market orders use binance.mgMarketBuy() and binance.mgMarketSell().

For order operations, use binance.mgCancel(), binance.mgCancelOrders(), binance.mgAllOrders(), binance.openOrders(), binance.mgOrderStatus().

Usage and callbacks are the same as the 'regular account' counterparts.

Get your Trade History for the Margin account

Use binance.mgTrades() instead of binance.trades().

binance.mgTrades("ETHUSDT", (error, trades, symbol) => {
  console.info(symbol+" trade history", trades);
View Response ```js [ { symbol: 'ETHUSDT', id: 9572, orderId: 47884, price: '2063.07', qty: '1.44877', commission: '2.98891392', commissionAsset: 'USDT', time: 1617900638521, isBuyer: false, isMaker: false, isBestMatch: true, isIsolated: true }] ```

Margin account details

binance.mgAccount((error, response) => {
   if ( error ) return console.warn(error);
   console.info("Account details response:", response)
View response ```javascript { borrowEnabled: true, marginLevel: '999.00000000', totalAssetOfBtc: '0.00000003', totalLiabilityOfBtc: '0.00000000', totalNetAssetOfBtc: '0.00000003', tradeEnabled: true, transferEnabled: true, userAssets: [ { asset: 'MATIC', borrowed: '0.00000000', free: '0.00000000', interest: '0.00000000', locked: '0.00000000', netAsset: '0.00000000' } ] } ```

Binance Lending API

Lending Account Details

let lendingData = await binance.lending();
View response ```javascript lendingData { positionAmountVos: [ { amount: '952983.20208997', amountInBTC: '129.54853649', amountInUSDT: '952983.20208997', asset: 'USDT' } ], totalAmountInBTC: '129.54853649', totalAmountInUSDT: '952983.20208997', totalFixedAmountInBTC: '13.59400000', totalFixedAmountInUSDT: '100000.00000000', totalFlexibleInBTC: '115.95453649', totalFlexibleInUSDT: '852983.20208997' } { positionAmountVos: [], totalAmountInBTC: '0.00000000', totalAmountInUSDT: '0.00000000', totalFixedAmountInBTC: '0.00000000', totalFixedAmountInUSDT: '0.00000000', totalFlexibleInBTC: '0.00000000', totalFlexibleInUSDT: '0.00000000' } { positionAmountVos: [], totalAmountInBTC: '0.00000000', totalAmountInUSDT: '0.00000000', totalFixedAmountInBTC: '0.00000000', totalFixedAmountInUSDT: '0.00000000', totalFlexibleInBTC: '0.00000000', totalFlexibleInUSDT: '0.00000000' } ```

Advanced Examples

exchangeInfo: Pull minimum order size, quantity, etc\ Clamp order quantities to required amounts via minQty, minNotional, stepSize when placing orders\ Show API Rate limits\ Connect to all WebSockets at once\ Get last order for a symbol\ newOrderRespType example\ Recent Trades (historicalTrades, recentTrades, aggTrades functions)\ Terminate WebSocket connections\ User Data: Account Balance Updates, Trade Updates, New Orders, Filled Orders, Cancelled Orders via WebSocket Margin User Data: Account Balance Updates, Trade Updates, New Orders, Filled Orders, Cancelled Orders via WebSocket Asynchronous Syntax Options


Verify that your system time is correct. If you have any suggestions don't hesitate to file an issue.

Having problems? Try adding useServerTime to your options or setting recvWindow:

  APIKEY: 'xxx',
  APISECRET: 'xxx',
  useServerTime: true,
  recvWindow: 60000, // Set a higher recvWindow to increase response timeout
  verbose: true, // Add extra output when subscribing to WebSockets, etc
  log: log => {
    console.log(log); // You can create your own logger here, or disable console output

Problems getting your balance? Wrap the entry point of your application in useServerTime:

await binance.useServerTime();
binance.balance((error, balances) => {
    if ( error ) return console.error(error);
    console.info("balances()", balances);
    console.info("BNB balance: ", balances.BNB.available);

You can enable verbose mode to help with debugging WebSocket streams:

binance.setOption( 'verbose', true );


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