jagrit007 / Telegram-CloneBot

[USE ALPHA BRANCH] Simple Bot to clone Google Drive Files (or Folders) to your Team Drive[or Normal Drive]. P.S This is not a Mirror Bot. Enjoy ✌🏻
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Bot should ask source and destination folder id every time we run clone #4

Closed askfriends closed 4 years ago

askfriends commented 4 years ago

hi.. first of all thanks for the bot.

but i want to ask why we need to put folder id in the config file? bcoz we will not copy just one folder but we will use this bot to manage our tds, lets say about 10 tds, and there are so many folders inside we want to clone, if we put folder id in config file it means we will be able to copy that folder only??

you need to make it variable, and it must ask folder id from user in telegram instead.

jagrit007 commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

The Folder ID in the config is for the folder where you want to store all the things you clone. (2nd Point: GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID : This is the folder ID of the Google Drive Folder to which you want to clone)

To actually provide bot to clone any TD/File/folder, you have to send /clone _FOLDERID (or Folder Link) More of that can be seen by sending /help to bot.

askfriends commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

The Folder ID in the config is for the folder where you want to store all the things you clone. (2nd Point: GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID : This is the folder ID of the Google Drive Folder to which you want to clone)

To actually provide bot to clone any TD/File/folder, you have to send /clone _FOLDERID (or Folder Link) More of that can be seen by sending /help to bot.

i see..so both ids will be asked by bot when we run clone command? i mean source folder id will be giving using clone but destination folder id will also be asked by the bot or its fixed (what we set it in config file)

jagrit007 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, the Destination Folder ID, where it'll save everything will be fixed by what's provided in config file. So If you want the flexibility to provide destination folder id everytime with the clone command, just rename this issue to a feature request. So I can consider that while working on an update. 👍🏻

jagrit007 commented 4 years ago

Update 1.1.0 Now you can provide destination ID in the command itself and the ID in config.py will be the default id to use in case no ID is given in the clone command.


askfriends commented 4 years ago

Update 1.1.0 Now you can provide destination ID in the command itself and the ID in config.py will be the default id to use in case no ID is given in the clone command.


thats great..thanks for that. btw its like that /clone Source-ID[space]Destination-ID ?

jagrit007 commented 4 years ago


askfriends commented 4 years ago


Thanks a lot once again..now its more feasable and easy to use. btw any plan to add gclone support? i think you wont need much effort to do that.