For all my friends using my TDs who now need to store everything in it instead of their Drive. Need help?
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
python3 -m bot
Tip: Instead of using Termux or local machine, use, atleast it won't throw any errors in installing Python requirements. From you could push to a private GitHub repo and attach that to Heroku.
For Service Account to work, you must set USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS=True in config file or environment variables Many thanks to AutoRClone for the scripts
Let us create only the service accounts that we need. Warning: abuse of this feature is not the aim of autorclone and we do NOT recommend that you make a lot of projects, just one project and 100 sa allow you plenty of use, its also possible that overabuse might get your projects banned by google.
Note: 1 service account can copy around 750gb a day, 1 project makes 100 service accounts so thats 75tb a day, for most users this should easily suffice.
python3 --quick-setup 1 --new-only
A folder named accounts will be created which will contain keys for the service accounts created
NOTE: If you have created SAs in past from this script, you can also just re download the keys by running:
python3 --download-keys project_id
python3 -d SharedTeamDriveSrcID