jailtonsc / laravel-response-xml

Add the method xml integrating the laravel's response, converting eloquent return to XML.
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Laravel Response XML

Add the method "xml" integrating the laravel's response, converting eloquent return to XML.

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Composer Installation

composer require jailtonsc/laravel-response-xml

Integration with Laravel 5.*

Add in config/app.php in place providers


Add in config/app.php in place aliases

'Xml' => XmlResponse\Facades\XmlFacade::class


php artisan vendor:publish


Route::get('/', function () {
    return response()->xml(User::all());

With status code

Route::get('/', function () {
    return response()->xml(User::all(), 404);

Setting by code

$config = [
        'template' => '<test></test>',
        'rowName' => 'name'

Route::get('/', function () {
    return response()->xml(User::all(), 200, $config);

Return string xml

$xml = Xml::asXml(User::all());


$config = [
        'template' => '<test></test>',
        'rowName' => 'name'

$xml = Xml::asXml(User::all(), $config);


file config/xml.php

template: xml template.

caseSensitive: case sensitive xml tag.

showEmptyField: Show empty field.

charset: encoding.

rowName: line name if it is an array.


The Laravel Response XML is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license