jaionearnaez / this-film-finder

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πŸ”Έ ThisFilmFinder πŸ”Έ

✨ This workspace has been generated by Nx, Smart Monorepos · Fast CI. ✨

At first, I wanted to make two apps: one with Angular and another as a CLI, to demonstrate my Node skills too. That's why I thought using a monorepo would be smart. But I clearly didn't have time to do both ⏳. So, I decided to put all my effort into the Angular app.

πŸ”Έ πŸ”§ Start & build the application for production

I have created two scripts in the package.json to start and build the app:

πŸ”Έ 🌐 Deployed version

I have used Vercel to deploy the application. It deploys automatically whenever main is updated.

URL: https://this-film-finder.vercel.app

This is the first time I've used something like this. I initially tried Netlify, but after a few hours of errors, I found out it doesn't support NX Angular apps.

I didn't know any other alternatives, so I asked ✨ChatGPT✨ and it pointed me to Vercel. It was super easy, and I had it working in minutes.

πŸ”Έ πŸŽ† What can This Film Finder do?

πŸ”Έ πŸ” Most valuable features

Auth feature

I really enjoyed creating all the logic behind the auth feature, including the redirection system, ensuring that users do not lose their current search.

Filtering by query parameters

Storing the filters in the query parameters allows the search to be preserved when the URL is shared.

πŸ”Έ βž• I would like to improve...