jairaja / bw-pool-ui

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bw-pool-ui (work in progress, current completion: 30-40%)

Clone the Project

Clone the project on your local machine: git clone git@github.com:jairaja/bw-pool-ui.git

Install the Project Dependencies

Run the npm install command in your terminal in the project's root directory to install the project's dependencies.

Run mock data server

Only for Web - Mock Data Server - Open another window in the terminal and run npm run server. For mobile, get mock data from - https://mocki.io/v1/cf332720-3b21-4c42-952a-aa41cd212520 (already in code as of now, no need to do anything here)

Run app(expo)

Start Expo bundler for Android, IOS apps, and web - Run npm start Got Expo mobile app from Android and/or IOS app store, scan the QR code (generated in terminal) to launch the app

Run Tests

All tests, with watch-all and coverage report - Run npm test

Code Directory Structure

The directory structure is a balanced blend of function-based and feature-based structures.

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