jairovg / vuesax-admin-dashboard

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VueJS Admin Dashboard Template

Commitizen friendly semantic-release

The purpose of this repo is to work in a study based project using the Vuexy - Vuejs, HTML & Laravel Admin Dashboard Template which can be found in UpLabs. There are not intentions to use it to sell, distribute or copy the original sourcecode, it's a just for fun project. The license used is the Free Personal License.

Main technologies/services intended to be used


Latest LTS version of Node.js.


This project uses git submodules for the webpack bundler, in order to setup the submodule you need to run the following commands

git submodule update --init --recursive

Run the following script in order to install all the modules used in this project

npm i

Run the application

Run the following script in order to run the application

npm start

Once the application is running you can see the changes in http://localhost:8080.

NOTE: The application gets refreshed with every single change made in the code.


Run the following script in order to run the story book tool in development mode

npm run storybook

Folder structure

--| build
--| dist
--| src
----| assets
------| fonts
------| images
------| styles
--------| layouts
--------| pages
--------| components
----| layouts
----| pages
----| components
----| store
----| browser
----| server
--| stories
--| tests


This folder contains the webpack config files that helps to bundle the application in the different environment. This config files are not used to override any story book webpack integration


The bundle output will be stored here. Note that this folder is ignored in the .gitignore file


The project source files


This folder contains all the story book stories. The config is found in the .storybook folder