jakeFeldman / strapi-provider-upload-azure-storage

Strapi Provider Upload Azure Storage
MIT License
75 stars 42 forks source link

Looking for additional maintainer

If you're interesting in helping maintain the package please shoot me a message. Thanks - Jake

Strapi Provider Upload Azure Storage

Plugin enabling image uploading to azure storage from strapi.

NpmVersion NpmDownloads

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



Inside your strapi project run the following

yarn add strapi-provider-upload-azure-storage

# or

npm install strapi-provider-upload-azure-storage


To enable the provider, create or edit the file at ./config/plugins.js.

This is an example plugins.js file for Azure storage:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  upload: {
    config: {
      provider: "strapi-provider-upload-azure-storage",
      providerOptions: {
        authType: env("STORAGE_AUTH_TYPE", "default"),
        account: env("STORAGE_ACCOUNT"),
        accountKey: env("STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY"),//either account key or sas token is enough to make authentication 
        sasToken: env("STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SAS_TOKEN"),
        serviceBaseURL: env("STORAGE_URL"), // optional
        containerName: env("STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME"),
        createContainerIfNotExist: env("STORAGE_CREATE_CONTAINER_IF_NOT_EXIST", 'false'), // optional
        publicAccessType: env("STORAGE_PUBLIC_ACCESS_TYPE"), // optional ('blob' | 'container')
        defaultPath: "assets",
        cdnBaseURL: env("STORAGE_CDN_URL"), // optional
        defaultCacheControl: env("STORAGE_CACHE_CONTROL"), // optional
        removeCN: env("REMOVE_CONTAINER_NAME"), // optional, if you want to remove container name from the URL 

// For using azure identities, the correct authType is 'msi' or (provide it in the environment variable)
// clientId is used for Azure User-Assigned Identity access. If not provided, system-assigned managed identity is used instead
// RBAC Role Storage Blob Data Contributor required for MSI   

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  upload: {
    config: {
      provider: "strapi-provider-upload-azure-storage",
      providerOptions: {
        authType: 'msi',
        account: env("STORAGE_ACCOUNT"),
        clientId: env("STORAGE_AZURE_CLIENT_ID"), // optional
        serviceBaseURL: env("STORAGE_URL"), // optional
        containerName: env("STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME"),
        createContainerIfNotExist: env("STORAGE_CREATE_CONTAINER_IF_NOT_EXIST", 'false'), // optional
        publicAccessType: env("STORAGE_PUBLIC_ACCESS_TYPE"), // optional ('blob' | 'container')
        defaultPath: "assets",
        cdnBaseURL: env("STORAGE_CDN_URL"), // optional
        defaultCacheControl: env("STORAGE_CACHE_CONTROL"), // optional
        removeCN: env("REMOVE_CONTAINER_NAME"), // optional, if you want to remove container name from the URL 
Property Required Description
authType true Whether to use a SAS key ("default") or an identity ("msi")
account true Azure account name
accountKey if 'authType 'default' Secret access key
clientId false (consumed if 'authType 'msi') Azure user-assigned identity client ID. If not provided, system-assigned managed identity ID is used
sasToken false SAS Token, either accountKey or SASToken is required if 'authType is 'default'
serviceBaseURL false Base service URL to be used, optional. Defaults to https://${account}.blob.core.windows.net
containerName true Container name
createContainerIfNotExist false Attempts to create the container if not existing. Must be one of 'true' or any string
publicAccessType false (param for 'createContainerIfNotExist') Sets the public access of a newly created container to one of 'blob' or 'container'
defaultPath true The path to use when there is none being specified. Defaults to assets
cdnBaseURL false CDN base url
defaultCacheControl false Cache-Control header value for all uploaded files
removeCN false Set to true, to remove container name from azure URL

Security Middleware Configuration

Due to the default settings in the Strapi Security Middleware you will need to modify the contentSecurityPolicy settings to properly see thumbnail previews in the Media Library. You should replace strapi::security string with the object bellow instead as explained in the middleware configuration documentation.

To allow the azure storage content to be displayed, edit the file at ./config/middlewares.js. You should replace the strapi::security string with the object below instead, see the Middlewares configuration documentation for more details.


module.exports = [
  // ...
    name: "strapi::security",
    config: {
      contentSecurityPolicy: {
        useDefaults: true,
        directives: {
          "connect-src": ["'self'", "https:"],
          "img-src": [
            "dl.airtable.com", // Required for Strapi < 4.10.6, you can remove it otherwise
            "https://market-assets.strapi.io", // Required for Strapi >= 4.10.6, you can remove it otherwise
             * Note: If using a STORAGE_URL replace `https://${process.env.STORAGE_ACCOUNT}.blob.core.windows.net` w/ process.env.STORAGE_URL
             * If using a CDN URL make sure to include that url in the CSP headers process.env.STORAGE_CDN_URL
          "media-src": [
            "dl.airtable.com", // Required for Strapi < 4.10.6, you can remove it otherwise
             * Note: If using a STORAGE_URL replace `https://${process.env.STORAGE_ACCOUNT}.blob.core.windows.net` w/ process.env.STORAGE_URL
             * If using a CDN URL make sure to include that url in the CSP headers process.env.STORAGE_CDN_URL

          upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
  // ...

serviceBaseURL is optional, it is useful when connecting to Azure Storage API compatible services, like the official emulator Azurite. serviceBaseURL would then look like http://localhost:10000/your-storage-account-key.
When serviceBaseURL is not provided, default https://${account}.blob.core.windows.net will be used.

createContainerIfNotExist can also be useful when working with Azurite as the tool provides very little by way of startup scripting.

cdnBaseURL is optional, it is useful when using CDN in front of your storage account. Images will be returned with the CDN URL instead of the storage account URL.

defaultCacheControl is optional. It is useful when you want to allow clients to use a cached version of the file. Azure storage will return this value in the Cache-Control HTTP-header of the response.

removeCN is optional. Some azure account configurations are such that they exclude 'container name' from the URL at which data is saved. It is by default set to false, if you want to remove container name from URL, set it to 'true'.


Contributions are welcome


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
