jakelishman / qutip-dispatch

Multi-dispatch prototype for QuTiP data structures
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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QuTiP dispatcher prototype

This is just the base dispatcher, which currently acts on arbitrary types, and dispatches only if it finds an exact match. I suspect that we may restrict it in the future so that it can only dispatch over qutip.data.Data subtypes, because there are some dispatching optimisations I have in mind for choosing a specialisation when there isn't a fully specified specialisation defined.

Here's a basic example:

In [1]: import data
   ...: @data.dispatch(inputs=('a', 'b'))
   ...: def multiply(a, b):
   ...:     """Multiply two things."""
   ...:     print("No specialisation known!")
   ...: @multiply.register((int, int))
   ...: def multiply_ints(a, b):
   ...:     return int(a) * int(b)
   ...: @multiply.register((str, str))
   ...: def multiply_strs(a, b):
   ...:     return " ".join([a, b])

In [2]: %timeit multiply(2, 3)
803 ns ± 4.01 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

In [3]: %timeit multiply_ints(2, 3)
328 ns ± 26.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)

You can see the dispatch time for two positional arguments is about 500ns, which is pretty fast considering that it's comparable to the time of one of the simplest possible Python functions - as soon as our dispatcher functions are doing more work, the dispatch time will hopefully be negligible.


Standard setuptools build process:

python setup.py build_ext -i

Current limitations

Currently this operates on Python objects. I'm not certain that Cython is expressive enough to allow dynamic casts off RTTI, but it's possible we might not need full arbitrary dispatch anyway - it may well be a case of premature optimisation. Cython can't produce templated classes, but it can wrap them - if we absolutely need it, we may be able to produce a specialised C-type dispatcher in fully templated C++ and import it, but that's an awful lot of work for something that might not be necessary.

The current implementation doesn't dispatch over the output types, but I know how to write that, I've just not done it yet.

A specialisation is done for a specific type. Subclasses of the same type will not match this specialisation. I would have to change the underlying data structure holding the dispatch table to allow this, but it is doable if necessary - we would swap from dictionary lookups to probably a tree structure which we would traverse in Cython. In the naïve method off the top of my head, the lookup complexity would increase from O(d) to O(n*d) for d dispatch parameters and n possible values, but I suspect the constant factors would be significantly better, and there may well be a path back down to O(d) if we make Data a metaclass and insert some RTTI of our own design into all derived classes.

How it works

data.dispatch is a decorator which captures the generic function and the keyword arguments, and passes them in to the extension type Dispatcher (which we don't expose as part of the standard API because it's not necessary).

Dispatcher maintains the __call__ method so that it acts as the function it decorates, but performs multiple dispatch on the arguments. The multiple dispatch is done by dictionary access using a tuple of the dispatch parameters' __class__ objects as the lookup values to return a Python callable object which has previously been registered with Dispatcher.register.

To ensure we dispatch on the correct arguments, we have to parse the function call grammar and bind all passed arguments to the correct place. This is necessary to support calls to def f(a, b): return a + 2*b as f(b=2, a=1), i.e. ones where the original intent of keyword and positional arguments is mixed, and the parameters are out-of-order.

There is a pure-Python implementation of the binding in inspect.Signature.bind, but I found this took on the order of 10µs to bind and dispatch even for really simple calls, which is unacceptably slow, so Dispatcher implements its own version in Cython using the helper class _Binder. On instantiation, _Binder constructs default lists and dicts of the args and kwargs parameters that it will output (for now we do not permit *args or **kwargs forms, but **kwargs in particular will not be difficult to add, and *args will just impose a speed penalty), and builds up some internal data structures to allow fast location and indexing of the dispatch inputs.

The binding is actually handled by _Binder.bind, which runs though all the arguments it knows about from initialisation and fills them in. Keyword arguments are converted to positional ones if possible, because we get faster indexing and unpacking on these types. _Binder.bind also handles capturing the dispatcher inputs, since its data structures allow it fast lookup of them.