jakemaguy / QuickBuyMenu

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Quick Buy Menu - Lethal Company Mod

With quick buy menu, you can buy handheld items in Lethal Company in a faster and easier way. No more wasting time for the Drop Ship to show up. This mod lets you instantly get an item from the Terminal and put it in your inventory.



Installation - Thunderstore

Download with the Thunderstore Mod Manager: Quick Buy Menu

Installation - Manual


PR's and suggestions are welcome.

Build Instructions


If you encounter any bugs, errors, or feature requests, please open an issue on the issue tracker. Before creating a new issue, please check if there is already an existing one that addresses your problem. When creating an issue, please provide as much information as possible to help resolve it.

Pull Requests

If you want to contribute code or documentation to the project, you are welcome to submit a pull request. Please follow these steps to create a pull request:
