jakemmarsh / monolist-music-web

The web application for the now-defunct music app Monolist.
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ReactJS/RefluxJS application for Monolist. Served using node.js and Express.

To get up and running:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install node.js and NPM globally if you have not before. Instructions here
  3. Run npm install from root project directory
  4. Run gulp dev

Now that gulp dev is running, the server is up and serving files from the /build directory. In addition, any changes made to the /app directory will be automatically processed by Gulp and the changes will be injected via Browsersync to any open browsers pointed at the proxy address.

The application is served at localhost:3002 by default (to be run alongside the api).

Note: Any API calls will be made to localhost:3000/v1/ by default, unless changed in APIUtils.js.

To run tests and generate coverage files:

  1. Clone repo, install dependencies (Steps 1-3 above)
  2. Run gulp test to run all tests. Coverage files are output to __coverage__/ directory.
  3. Individual tests can be run with gulp test -f <path_to_file>.

Sample .env configuration file

Below is a .env file (with any actual keys/credentials removed). This same structure can be used to add any extra configuration information you may need, available at process.env.* while running on the server-side.

NODE_ENV='<production, development, etc>'

FB_DEV_ID='<app ID of development Facebook app>'
FB_PROD_ID='<app ID of actual Facebook app>'

AWS_KEY='<AWS access key>'
AWS_SECRET='<AWS secret key>'
S3_BUCKET='<AWS bucket name>'