iplus1 is a library for language learning where it takes a list of words you know and a list of sentences and tries to find sentences where exactly one new word is present.
Currently it is rather integrated with how Tatoeba/Pytoeba handles things. I'm not sure I can recommend it for use in anything else at the moment (but if you are interested in using it in your own project, feel free to message me).
Change PREFIX variable in Makefile if you want, defaults to /usr/local
make install
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev libstemmer-dev libmecab-dev libsqlite3-dev libhiredis-dev
make install
Retrieve fresh data:
Populate redis db
See example.py for basic usage.
example.c for a demo taking an anki deck as an argument
./web/server/ contains the code used on tatoeba