jakewaldron / PlexEmail

This script aggregates all new TV, movie and music releases for the past configured time then optionally writes to your web directory and sends out an email.
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Plex Email


This script aggregates all new TV and movie releases for the past x days and writes to your web directory and sends out an email.

Supported Environments

Supported Email Protocols


  1. Python 2.7 - Windows: 32 bit - https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.9/python-2.7.9.msi
  2. Windows - 32 bit DLL for SQLite version - http://www.sqlite.org/2015/sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3080803.zip (Put this into the DLLs folder of the Python installation)
  3. Requests module for Python. pip install requests or download it here and put it in the LIb folder of your Python installation: https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/r/requests/requests-2.5.3.tar.gz#md5=23bf4fcc89ea8d353eb5353bb4a475b1
  4. If web reports are wanted, a web server (i.e. Wamp, Apache, etc.)

Installation (Windows)

  1. Clone this repo or download the zip
  2. Copy the contents of scripts to where you want the script to run from
  3. Copy the contents of web to your web folder
  4. Update the config.conf file inside the scripts folder
  5. Schedule a weekly task to execute plexEmail.vbs from the scripts folder (make sure to set the start in folder as the folder where the vbs script resides)

Installation (Linux)

  1. Install python 2.7.9
  2. Copy the contents of scripts to where you want the script to run from
  3. Copy the contents of web to your web folder
  4. Update the config.conf file inside the scripts folder
  5. Schedule a weekly cron job to execute the plexEmail.py script

Installation (CentOS)


Installation (FreeNAS)

Thanks to adrianwi:


Installation (QNAP)

Thanks to nickiman:



Normal Usage

python plexEmail.py

Alternate Usage

Pass in an alternate config file. For example, the default config file sends out a daily email (using Cloudinary), while an alternate config file is set up for a weekly web page.

python plexEmail.py -c C:\files\plexEmailWeekly.conf

Run in test mode (send email only to sender address)

python plexEmail.py -t

Pass a special one-time notice to users

python plexEmail.py -n "This is a special notice to all users"

Output the current script version

python plexEmail.py --version

Config File

The config file is in the scripts folder. Before first run of the script, please update this file with your information.

Field Explanations:

Folder Paths
Plex API Authentication - This is only used for shared user emails currently
Image Upload - If this option is enabled, image hosting will be used for web and email

Cloudinary - Sign up for a free account at: http://cloudinary.com/




Top: alt tag

Movies: alt tag

TV Shows: alt tag

TV Seasons: alt tag

TV Episodes: alt tag


Top: alt tag

Movies: alt tag

TV Shows: alt tag

TV Seasons: alt tag

TV Episodes: alt tag