jakobdylanc / llmcord

A Discord LLM chat bot that supports any OpenAI compatible API (OpenAI, xAI, Mistral, Groq, OpenRouter, ollama, LM Studio and more)
MIT License
353 stars 67 forks source link
bot chatbot chatgpt discord gpt gpt-4 gpt-4o grok groq llama llama3 llava llm lmstudio mistral ollama oobabooga openai xai


Talk to LLMs with your friends!

llmcord lets you (and your friends) chat with LLMs directly in Discord. It works with practically any LLM, remote or locally hosted.


Reply-based chat system

Just @ the bot to start a conversation and reply to continue. Build conversations with reply chains!

You can do things like:


Choose any LLM

llmcord supports remote models from:

Or run a local model with:

Or use any other OpenAI compatible API server.

And more:


  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/jakobdylanc/llmcord
  2. Create a copy of "config-example.yaml" named "config.yaml" and set it up:

Discord settings:

Setting Description
bot_token Create a new Discord bot at discord.com/developers/applications and generate a token under the "Bot" tab. Also enable "MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT".
client_id Found under the "OAuth2" tab of the Discord bot you just made.
status_message Set a custom message that displays on the bot's Discord profile. Max 128 characters.
allowed_channel_ids A list of Discord channel IDs where the bot can be used. Leave empty to allow all channels.
allowed_role_ids A list of Discord role IDs that can use the bot. Leave empty to allow everyone. Specifying at least one role also disables DMs.
max_text The maximum amount of text allowed in a single message, including text from file attachments.
(Default: 100,000)
max_images The maximum number of image attachments allowed in a single message. Only applicable when using a vision model.
(Default: 5)
max_messages The maximum number of messages allowed in a reply chain.
(Default: 25)
use_plain_responses When set to true the bot will use plaintext responses instead of embeds. Also, streamed responses and warning messages will be disabled.
(Default: false)

LLM settings:

Setting Description
providers Add the LLM providers you want to use, each with a base_url and optional api_key entry. Common providers (openai, ollama, etc.) are already included. Only supports OpenAI compatible APIs.
model Set to <provider name>/<model name>, e.g:

extra_api_parameters Extra API parameters for your LLM. Add more entries as needed.
(Default: max_tokens=4096, temperature=1.0)
system_prompt Write anything you want to customize the bot's behavior! Leave blank for no system prompt.
  1. Run the bot:

    No Docker:

    python -m pip install -U discord.py httpx openai pyyaml
    python llmcord.py

    With Docker:

    docker compose up


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