jakobhellermann / bevy_editor_pls

In-App editor tools for bevy applications
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:warning: This is very much work in progress: Take a look at the missing features to see if your use case isn't yet supported.

Adds debug tools to your bevy game, including

This is not, and isn't meant to be, comparable to the actual editor bevy will end up with. bevy_editor_pls attempts to get the low hanging fruits by adding editor UI to the game executable, without having all the complexity that comes with having a proper well-designed editor architecture.

How to use:

Add the EditorPlugin:

+use bevy_editor_pls::prelude::*;

fn main() {
+       .add_plugins(EditorPlugin::default())

editor preview

Custom editor panels

use bevy_editor_pls::{egui, prelude::*};
use bevy_editor_pls_core::editor_window::{EditorWindow, EditorWindowContext};

fn main() {

pub struct MyEditorWindow;
struct MyEditorWindowState {
impl EditorWindow for MyEditorWindow {
    type State = MyEditorWindowState;
    const NAME: &'static str = "Another editor panel";

    fn ui(world: &mut World, cx: EditorWindowContext, ui: &mut egui::Ui) {
        let currently_inspected = &cx.state::<MyEditorWindow>().unwrap().selected;

        ui.label("Anything can go here");


The default controls are:


Changing the default controls ```rust use bevy_editor_pls::EditorPlugin; use bevy_editor_pls::controls; use bevy_editor_pls_default_windows::hierarchy::picking::EditorRayCastSource; fn main() { App::new() // .. .add_plugin(EditorPlugin) .insert_resource(editor_controls()) .add_startup_system(set_cam3d_controls) // .. .run(); } fn editor_controls() -> EditorControls { let mut editor_controls = EditorControls::default_bindings(); editor_controls.unbind(controls::Action::PlayPauseEditor); editor_controls.insert( controls::Action::PlayPauseEditor, controls::Binding { input: controls::UserInput::Single(controls::Button::Keyboard(KeyCode::Escape)), conditions: vec![controls::BindingCondition::ListeningForText(false)], }, ); editor_controls } fn set_cam3d_controls( mut query: Query<&mut bevy_editor_pls::default_windows::cameras::camera_3d_free::FlycamControls>, ) { let mut controls = query.single_mut(); controls.key_up = KeyCode::Q; controls.key_down = KeyCode::E; } ```

Missing features

Bevy support table

bevy bevy_editor_pls
0.14 0.9
0.13 0.8
0.12 0.7
0.12 0.6
0.11 0.5
0.10 0.4
0.10 0.3
0.9 0.2
0.8 0.1