jakobkroeker / HMAC

Approximate construction of Hurwitz maps using an algebraic-numerical method
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This is the README file for the GAP package 'HMAC'.


The HMAC package implements algorithmic construction of Hurwitz map approximations using an algebraic approach. The package also supports p-adic lifting of smooth isolated solutions of a polynomial system over prime fields.

Authors: Jakob Kroeker and Laurent Bartholdi


To use the package you have to install (or download and build)

-the GAP computer algebra system, release 4.5.6 or later: http://www.gap-system.org/Releases/index.html

You may also install GAP as part of 'sagemath' (http://www.sagemath.org/download.html)

Then following forked GAP packages are required: -'FLOAT' ( https://github.com/laurentbartholdi/float.git ) -'FR' ( https://github.com/jakobkroeker/fr.git )

If they are not available, please download them to $GAP_ROOT/pkg/ and install as described below.

To build the 'FLOAT' package, change to $GAP_ROOT/pkg/float and run ./configure make

If configure complains about missing packages, please install them first using the operating system package manager e.g. yum or aptitude

FR depends on GAP packages 'Alnuth', 'autpgrp', 'polycyclic', 'FGA' and 'io' Again, if they not available (see $GAP_ROOT/pkg/), they can be downloaded from http://www.gap-system.org/Packages/ and simply extracted in the $GAP_ROOT/pkg/ folder.

To build the 'io' package, change to $GAP_ROOT/pkg/io and run './configure && make'.

To build the 'FR' package, ensure that the dependencies above are installed, then change to $GAP_ROOT/pkg/fr and run './configure && make'.

If building 'FR' or 'FLOAT' fails on your system, please report the observed issues.

The HMAC package is then built by running cd $GAP_ROOT/pkg/HMAC ./configure make

If the build processs fails due to a missing package, please install them on your system and retry; see also './configure --help' for options on that.


See examples in the 'example'-folder or consult the documentation ( 'manual.pdf' or 'index.html' ) in the 'doc'-folder.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program, in the file COPYING. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Jakob Kröker, Hannover, 04.03.2013