jakub-klapka / wp-secure-post-with-link

WP - Secure Post with Secret Link
1 stars 1 forks source link

Gutenberg compability #3

Open zAPFy opened 5 years ago

zAPFy commented 5 years ago

Any plans to update the plugin to make it compatible with gutenberg?

jakub-klapka commented 5 years ago

It's definitely on my TODO list, but I haven't found enough time though.

zAPFy commented 5 years ago

Running this on a client site. when they decide to move to gutenberg I will try to get some hours in the project to help out, but currently not on the timeline.

jakub-klapka commented 5 years ago

I'm kinda in exactly same situation :) I think the backend logic should work, but still has to be tested. The UI will be completely different i suppose.

Thanks for any help!

jakub-klapka commented 5 years ago

Work started in https://github.com/jakub-klapka/wp-secure-post-with-link/tree/gutenberg

They've drop support for custom post statuses with Gutenberg, so it would be harder, than I thought.

At least current version works with Classic Editor even in WP5.2, so backend logic should be OK. But I have to figure out, how to pass post status between UI and post saving backend (and back).