jakub-klapka / wp-secure-post-with-link

WP - Secure Post with Secret Link
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Secure post with link Wordpress Plugin

License: GPL2

License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

WP Repository page: https://wordpress.org/plugins/secure-post-with-link/


This plugin adds new status for posts (or pages/custom post types) called \"Secured with link\". If you select this status, that specific post wouldn't be accessible on its standard URL anymore, but you have to access it on URL with random token in it. This URL is displayed on post edit screen in administration.


For now, there is no administration screen yet. To configure plugin, you can inject your changes to plugin configuration array from your theme or plugin. Just put this code into functions.php file in your theme:

add_filter( 'lumi.secure_post_with_link.config', function( $config ){
    $config[ 'allowed_post_types' ] = [ 'post' ];
    $config[ 'secured_meta_name' ] = '_secured_with_link_token';
    // ... Other $config variables
    return $config;
} );

Preferably, don't include lines with attributes, which you don't want to change.

These are attributes (with defaults), which you can change this way:

Option Default Description
allowed_post_types [ 'post' ] List of post types, which should be affected by this plugin. Use array notation like: [ 'post', 'page', 'custom_type' ].
secured_meta_name '_secured_with_link_token' Name of meta, which stores post token. You can change that in case of conflicts with themes or other plugins.
url_identifier 's' Part of URL before token, which identifies secured posts.
token_length 4 Length of random token. With default generator, length is in bytes!
use_openssl true If plugin should use cryptographically secure random generator, or less-secure PHP functions. (See below)
assets_url [plugin URL]/assets URL for static assets (like Javascripts), in case, you want to use your assets for some reason.
translations_dir [Plugin path]/lang You can change path, where plugin looks for translation files. If you want to translate plugin, you should not use this setting, but create standard translation in wp-content/languages folder.

In case, you have changed any settings after plugin installation, deactivate and reactivate plugin, so all changes are correctly applied.


Planned features


Unzip files to secure-post-with-link folder in your wp-plugins.






