jakubgrad / Aineopintojen-harjoitusty-Algoritmit-ja-teko-ly-

A repository for the course Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Algoritmit ja tekoäly (period 4) Laboratoriotyöskentely
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Vertaisarvio #2

Open Wincewind opened 4 months ago

Wincewind commented 4 months ago

Repositorio ladattu 24.04.2024 klo: 15:40

Todella vakuuttava ja kattava ohjelma! Erityisesti pidin JPS skannaamisen visualisoimisesta nuolilla. Jos hyppypisteille pystyy vielä saamaan erilliset merkit niin tämä olisi upeaa! Dokumentaatio ja testaus on kattavaa enkä havainnut niissä mitään puutteita. Alla huomioita/ehdotuksia mitä ilmeni käydessäni toteutusta läpi:

Toivottavasti näistä on apua ja hyvää työtä projektin osalta!

jakubgrad commented 4 months ago

Thanks a lot for the feedback, it's very helpful! My understanding of JPS isn't as informed as yours and it's great to hear the implementation details that are missing. I added a break statement for whenever a goal node is found by Dijkstra and am going to work on implementing a heuristic for JPS. You're right, the open set was organised based on the priorities of the nodes, which I took to be directions in which JPS travels. That is of course unfounded and a heuristic will be implemented instead. Since the heuristic means that first time the goal node is encountered a shortest path is found, it will save a lot of execution time that is currently wasted on finding a shorter path. A check that can find whether any path exists is also very important and I'll try to do it by Week 5's deadline. Thanks a lot! :pray: