jakubgrad / Aineopintojen-harjoitusty-Algoritmit-ja-teko-ly-

A repository for the course Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Algoritmit ja tekoäly (period 4) Laboratoriotyöskentely
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JPS vs Dijkstra

A repository for the course Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Algoritmit ja tekoäly (period 4) Laboratoriotyöskentely

Specification document = Määrittelydokumentti
Testing document = Testausdokumentti
Implementation document = Toteutusdokumentti
Manual = Käyttöohje

To understand JPS better I recommend reading this article and this blogpost. To test out the app simply download the repository, then

cd Aineopintojen-harjoitusty-Algoritmit-ja-teko-ly-/ 
poetry shell
poetry install
poetry run invoke start

Doing that should open a GUI tool with a welcoming interface.

UI image

Now that the tool is open you can try it. I recommend first trying out Default JPS and Default Dijkstra, since these examples have predefined start and goal coordinates and maps that I know to work well.
Once you run a regular or a default algorithm, using the UI you can change the size of the display, see every step of execution by updating the counter and even animate the execution from any point.

Other useful commands are:

poetry run invoke test #runs pytest on the code
poetry run invoke coverage-report #creates a branch testing report and opens it online

If after running coverage-report task you get an error similar to this one:

[13289:13289:0403/183659.749216:ERROR:process_singleton_posix.cc(353)] The profile appears to be in use by
 another Google Chrome process (44970) on another computer (vdi-cubic-025.ad.helsinki.fi).
Chrome has locked the profile so that it doesn't get corrupted.
If you are sure no other processes are using this profile,
you can unlock the profile and relaunch Chrome.

You can run rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/Singleton* and then try to generate the report again. It should open in your browser. If it doesn't, there is still the possibility of opening it with a browser application directly from the file in html-cov in the topmost directory of the project, or executing poetry run invoke coverage and finding the result file yourself.
Note: the above poetry commands can be run in any project directory thanks to using absolute path of the project in tasks.py

If you are experiencing any issues with the command line or graphical tool, you might want to run:

poetry shell
poetry install

If there are import problems with python, which is unlikely to occur in the first place, the following might help:

export PYTHONPATH=~/Documents/Algorithms\ and\ AI/Aineopintojen-harjoitusty-Algoritmit-ja-teko-ly-/src/
export PYTHONPATH=~/home/x/Documents/Algorithms\ and\ AI/Aineopintojen-harjoitusty-Algoritmit-ja-teko-ly-/src/services

Currently the code isn't the nicest and needs a lot of refactoring and linting, but feel free to take a look at any of it!

Peer review 1
Peer review 2