jalasem / templatestringparser

A package that helps you process template strings against values
MIT License
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A package that helps you process template strings against values



First, install the package using npm:

npm install -S templatestringparser


yarn add templatestringparser

Package can be used like so:


$ npm install templatestring
$ node
> console.log(require('templatestringparser')('Hi {name}, Welcome!', {name: 'Dave'}));
Hi Dave, Welcome!


var templateParser = require('templatestringparser')

var template = 'Hello {name}, welcome to my Platform!'
console.log(templateParser(template, { name: 'Dave' })) // Hello Dave, Welcome to my Platform!

es6 and later

import templatestringparser as templateParser from 'templatestringparser'

const template = 'Hello {name}, welcome to my Platform!'
console.log(templateParser(template, { name: 'Dave' })) // Hello Dave, Welcome to my Platform!

Features in Detail

openingbracket and closingbracket

Jump to Configurations #1

auto trim

Jump to Configurations #2

parse deeply nested values

var tsp = require('templatestringparser')

var template = 'Hello {profile.name}, welcome to my {profile.space}!'
template += ' I live at No.{profile.address.street.number} {profile.address.street.name},'
template += ' {profile.address.city}.'

var strObj = {
  profile: {
    name: 'Dave',
    space: 'World',
    address: {
      street: {
        number: 1,
        name: 'strictly'
      city: 'boston'

console.log(tsp(template, strObj)) // Hello Dave, welcome to my World! I live at No.1 strictly, boston.


1 openingbracket and closingbracket

By default templatestringparser uses single curly brackets
{ as openingbracket and
} as closingbracket.

To override the default behavior, pass a 3rd argument of OBJECT TYPE specifying the openingbracket and closingbracket

import templatestringparser as tsp from 'templatestringparser'

var template = 'Hello ${name}, welcome to my Platform!'

var strObj = {
  name: 'Dave'

var config = {
  openingbracket: '${', // some common examples '{','{{','(','<','<>'
  closingbracket: '}' // some common examples '}','}}',')','>','/>','</>'

console.log(tsp(template, strObj, config)) // Hello Dave, Welcome to my Platform!

2 trim

The trim configuration will trim excess white space between key value and brackets.
This is enabled by default. Use {trim: false} in configuration to disable auto trimming.

import templatestringparser as tsp from 'templatestringparser'

var template = 'Hello {    name  }, welcome to my { space }!'

var strObj = {
  name: 'Dave',
  space: 'World'

var config = {
  trim: true

console.log(tsp(template, strObj, config)) // Hello Dave, Welcome to my World!


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