jalexiscv / base2

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Because this library is standards-based it means that you don’t have to learn a new API. It uses standard (DOM, ECMAScript) properties and methods throughout which also means that there is no need for a lot of accompanying documentation. base2 is a lightweight library that irons out all the annoying differences in JavaScript implementations. It provides the additional functionality from JavaScript 1.6+ that only Mozilla browsers implement. It also adds some features from ES4. The library is only 6KB (gzipped).

base2.DOM A fast implementation of the Selectors API Fixes broken browser implementations of the DOM events module including document.createEvent(), dispatchEvent(), addEventListener(), etc Supports DOMContentLoaded Fixes getAttribute()/setAttribute()/hasAttribute() (Internet Explorer) Implements getElementsByClassName() Implements a few other useful DOM methods like getComputedStyle() and compareDocumentPosition() Supports a variety of browsers including ancient browsers like IE5.0 (Windows and Mac) Documentation http://base2.googlecode.com/svn/version/1.0.2/doc/base2.html

Download http://base2.googlecode.com/svn/version/

You may link directly to the files above.

Development build http://base2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/lib/

Documentation: http://base2.googlecode.com/svn/doc/base2.html

This is the most recent build of base2. You may experience bugs with the development build so beware.

Status Current version: 1.0.2