jaltekruse / WhatEverYouWantMinecraft

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Note: this instructions assume that you are using Windows, slight modifications will be needed for other operating systems.

Installing the Mod

  1. This asssumes you already have a Minecraft account with Minecraft installed on your computer
  2. Install Minecraft Forge 1.7.2 according to this video
  3. Download the rpgmod jar file
  4. Put this file into your %appdata%\.minecraft\mods\ folder (~/.minecraft/mods/ on other os)
  5. Select the Forge profile and play!
  6. You can connect to the server we have set up with the following address: minecraft.4kdev.com

Setting up a server

  1. Run the Minecraft Forge installer
  2. Select the server option
  3. Pick an empty directory where you want your server to reside
  4. Run the forge jar file
  5. Close the server once it finishes loading
  6. Copy the rpgmod.jar file into the mods folder
  7. Run the forge jar file

Bug Reports

Use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs.

Setting up the development environment

  1. Download Java JDK if you don't already have it installed.
  2. Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable. E.g. on my computer: JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25
  3. Download the Minecraft-Forge SRC from this branch: 1.7.2 Recommended Version
  4. Extract the folder then open
  5. Shift-right-click and select “open a new command window here”
  6. In the terminal run "gradlew.bat setupDevWorkspace --refresh-dependencies" (setupDecompWorkspace can be substituted for setupDevWorkspace to decompile the Minecraft source code but this will take much longer)
  7. In the terminal run "gradlew.bat eclipse"
  8. Go to the src folder and delete the main directory
  9. Run the following command in the src folder: "git clone git@github.com:jaltekruse/WhatEverYouWantMinecraft.git main"
  10. Open Eclipse, set the workspace to the Eclipse directory. For me: C:\Users\Wesley\Git\forge\eclipse
  11. You can now run the program like normal from Eclipse
  12. If you get really stuck, check out this link

Commands to run once inside the game

Most of these items are also available in creative mode under the uncategorized tab.


Here are some special recipes for the mod.